The Pitch

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Fuck. This is my last shot, Winston thought as he walked into the bedroom.

2 hours until eviction. It had taken him two whole days to work up the courage for this, and even now he was holding back the growing urge to let tonight play out on its own accord. Maybe making waves would be a bad idea; maybe Level 6 would have his back and he shouldn't throw them under the bus like this. But he couldn't shake the uneasy feeling that had been sitting in the pit of his stomach since he asked Rachel for her vote. She couldn't even look him in the eyes during that conversation! But she was totally head-over-heels when Brett asked for her vote in the geometry room, Winston thought peevedly. God, he hated how jealous he sounded for even thinking that. He should be happy Brett was having such an easy time locking in his votes. He's supposed to be the social half of their dynamic duo, after all. Meanwhile, he was the... funny half? Competitive half? Strategic half?

The useless half, more like it, he thought to himself bitterly. Well, if he could pull this off, maybe he wouldn't be so useless after all. Maybe he'd do something right in this game for once. Here goes. Winston opened the door to the Have-Not room.

"Hey Sam, how's it going?" Winston beamed a winning smile--well, winning in the outside world anyways, where he wasn't such an apparently undesirable loser. He made sure to lay his southern drawl on thick. It was one of the few things he knew for sure they had in common.

"Hi Winston!" Sam smiled back. She was sitting cross-legged on small saucer, though you could barely recognize it under the large pink comforter that totally engulfed it. "I'm knitting a handkerchief from one of Fessy's headbands and a little pin that fell off of one of the wall hangings." She held up a small red pointed knob that Winston vaguely remembered from the front of the HoH room. "Were you looking for Brett? He's in the Diary Room right now, but he said he was going to go work out afterwards."

Without me? Never mind, not important. He'll probably ask me later, anyways. Winston sat down awkwardly on the saucer next to her. "No, actually, I just wanted to come hang out with you!" He smiled again, leaning back into the saucer. His legs hung awkwardly off the side, and he was sort of laying directly on top of his arm. Does this look weird? No, don't overthink it this time.

"Oh, I could use some company, this little project is going to take a while," Sam agreed. She stopped knitting and started at him for a moment. "...did you want to borrow a pillow? I'm kinda stuck in this bed 'cause I got all my knitting stuff spread out on it. But I'm sure Brett wouldn't mind if you used some of his stuff to make yourself more comfortable!"

So much for not overthinking it. "Oh no, I'm fine, I'm used to these things at this point anyways." He readjusted himself to look less stiff and turned his body towards Sam. "I just wanted to ask you..."

Just go for it. You're not gonna get her alone again.

But what if she gets upset and you lose a vote? It's tight enough as it is.

If you don't do this, it's either you or Brett. Do you want either of you to go?

I came here to win, for myself. I refuse to forget that.

What about your alliance? They'll hate your guts for screwing them over.

It's a game, they'll get over it. Like you said, you're here for yourself. Do you really care what they'll think of you? Does that even matter?

"I just wanted to ask you if you could show me your recipe for slop funnel cakes sometime. I know they're terrible for you and all, but I think I deserve a cheat day if I make it through this disaster of a week I've been having, haha!" Apparently it does.

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