Kiss me

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"kanpai!!!!!" all of us and the staffs shouted as we drink our beer, except for Rina, she doesn't like beer very much plus she hates drunkards, I didn't believe her at first when she said that, but hey it's Rina, she doesn't lie.

I'm supposed to be happy at times like this, but I'm not. Wanna know why? because Haruna brought her boyfriend with her, they look happy with eachother but I know it's fake, Haruna's been using a fake smile ever since they got here. I know he doesn't treat her well, and I've seen it.

"Mamitasu, you okay?" A squeaky voice spoke to me, and it was Tomomi my best friend, we're like best friends, sisters to be exact. I gotta admit if she's not Rina's girlfriend I'd take her already, but no feelings showed up so I let her be.

"Yeah I'm alright, why?" I asked before taking another sip of my beer.

"well you've been glaring at Ueda since we started drinking" she answered, and I realized that I have been glaring at him, not ever since we started drinking, but ever since he walked through that door.

"I don't like him" I said and continued glaring, that ass is too caught up with drinking to even notice.

"Why?" she asked.

"Because I don't" I retorted. Tomomi let out a pout and was about to say something when Rina suddenly wrapped her arms around Tomomi's waist. Tomomi was a little surprised at first but smiled at her and kissed the top of her head, I was only able to let out a small chuckle because of their cuteness.

"Ahem, as I was about to say." Tomomi said after clearing her throat and managed to get Rina off of her. "you wont know unless you meet him, he might actually be a pretty good guy."

"well do you know him?" I asked with an eyebrow raised.

"nope" she said while shooking her head with that innocent face. She then stood up and walked to where Rina is, which is the bathroom, you'd already know what they're gonna do.

I smirked and continued drinking my beer, I glanced at Haruna and noticed a bruise on her bottom left cheek. I heard eisuke asking what happened this time, and like always, she uses the same answer as last week..

"I was just clumsy and accidentally hit something there, haha" She replied nervously to our manager. I can see her boyfriend tense his jaw up which made me growl lowly. Haruna finally looked at me and tried to smile at me, I just gave her a sad smile back, I've always had feelings for her, I love her actually, she's the most perfect woman anyone could have. But Ueda doesn't deserve her, I know about them and it all happened last Week.

-Last week-

I wanted to surprise Haruna for a drinking party, but her boyfriend was there, that time I forgot that he was useless and not to mention, jobless. I didn't know why Haruna is with him. I crept up the front porch and notice the door was unlocked, I heard shouting and a glass breaking, when I silently tip toed inside, I saw her boyfriend slap her across the face, he was probably drunk because of the smell. Out of instinct, I violently kicked the door open, I was raging I thought the blood would just come right out of my head.

"The fuck are you doing here?" Ueda started wiping the sweat from his head before giving me a look. "You weren't even invited!" He shouted. I'm sure my veins were showing by then, I was trying so hard not to lose it completely. Haruna walked up to me and held me by the arm.

"Mami, what are you doing here...?" She said softly, I heard how hurt she was, how much that bastard was inflicting pain on her. I didn't look at her, my eyes were locked on Ueda who was taking another swig of his alchohol, I'm sure Haruna was looking at me with worried eyes, afraid that the guy would hurt me. But better me than her.

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