Her smile

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I walk up the stairs to my bedroom and open the door. When I open it I see Suga standing on my porch. "Um, what are you doing?" I ask chuckling. I close the door behind me and walk outside to stand next to him. He looks up at the stars and smiles slightly. "Have you ever wondered what it's like to be a star? Forever? And loved?" He asks suddenly. I look up as well. "I've wondered what it's like to be loved, but never forever." I reply. Suga looks at me. "Even though we've known each other for a short time I feel like we've known each other forever." He says. I nod in agreement. "I agree." I tell him. I continue to gaze up at the sky and I notice that he's staring at me. I look at him in full and smirk. "What's up with that stare?" I ask, jokingly. He blushes and holds up his hands. "N...nothing!" He responds. I laugh. "I'm just kidding." I reassure him. He sighs in relief. "Thank goodness" he mutters. I look over at him innocently. "What was that?" I ask pretending I didn't hear. He looks up. "Nothing." He says. I smile.

V pov
I pace back and forth in my room. I wonder if he might be with Aisha, but I doubt that. Yoongi hyung hadn't really shown much interest in her when we were in the car. I don't think I have much to worry about. But then again he is a possible rival. Everyone in BTS is. Jimin was with Jada, so I knew Yoongi hyung couldn't be with him. RM hyung and Hoseok hyung are streaming, Jin hyung is cooking downstairs, while Jungkook is taking a nap. I scratch my head. Where could he possibly be? This house is pretty big so it'd probably take me a little more than an hour to find him. "Agh!" I roar quietly in fatigue. The door bursts open and I see a messy haired Jungkook. "Hyung, you're so loud." He complains. I laugh. "If you weren't taking naps all the time maybe we wouldn't have this problem." I say back. He whines and walks over to my bed. "I'm sleeping here tonight." He tells me, his voice muffled by the pillow under his face. I chuckle and walk out the room, closing the door. I leave the huge guest room and head up the stairs. I hear a door close and muffled voices. I can't hear the voices well because I'm only halfway up the stairs and there are so many doors. I walk up the stairs faster and I can hear the voices more clear now. "Thank you for this." I hear a girl say. Aisha. "You're welcome. I've been needing this. It was fun. I must be going now, someone will be wondering where I am." I hear a mans voice. Yoongi hyung. So he was with her the whole time. I clench my teeth in anger and take in a deep breath. I shouldn't overthink it because if I do I'll seem like I was eavesdropping. I nod to myself and continue up the stairs. "Tae!" I hear Aisha say. Crap. I turn to her with a smile. "Hey." I say. I recall what she had called me. "Wait what did you call me?" I ask her. "I called you Tae." She replies, cutely. I blush and rub the back of my neck. "Huh.... oh.... yeah.... that's cute." I struggle with my words. She looks up at me with her brown eyes widening cutely in confusion. She slowly ticks her curly hair behind her ear and smiles at me. "You're so cute." She chuckles. My face goes crimson red and steam comes out my ears. I jump and turn away from her. I then turn back around and bend down to look at her face better. She's smiling at my behavior. "Ah! What am I going to do with you?" I ask. She shrugs. "I don't know, Oppa." She says. I smile and pinch her cheeks softly. "You're so adorable!" I say. She laughs. I forget about being mad at her and pull her into a hug. I place my hand on top of Aisha's head and the other at her back. She slowly hugs me back and hides her face in my chest. I lean my head on her hair and it's soft. I inhale and smell coconut shampoo. I feel My heart starts to beat faster when I feel her breathing softly on my chest. I look down at her and she looks so calm. "Hey, can I ask you a question?" I ask her softly. "Hmm?" She mumbles quietly. "Did you and Yoongi hyung ya know?" I ask. She pulls away slightly and looks up at me with a confused look. "No, why would you think that?" She replies.

"Yeah, why would you think that, V?"

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