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Bakugo's POV

I'm sitting in the waiting room. They said he needed surgery immediately. One of the nurses gave me a shirt, because mine was stained with blood. Unfortunately, I have the same pair of pants on, which are covered in dry blood. I look at the door leading to the emergency room. I hope he's OK. Just then, I hear someone rush into the room crying. I look up. Kirishima's mom runs over to me and engulfs me in a hug of death. She's crying so much.

"Thank you...Thank you so much", She says in between sobs. I wrap one of my arms around her.

She finally lets go of me. Her eyes are red and puffy, and pieces of her long black hair are stuck to her face.

"Do you think he's going to be ok?", She asks.

"I...I don't know", I reply.

She looks down. I hear her gasp. I guess she must have noticed my pants. She looks back at me.

"Please...don't tell me...the blood on your pants..."

This time, I'm the one to give her a hug. This caught her off guard. I'm not normally the one to give people hugs. She hugs me back.

We both sit down. We wait. I pray he's OK.

~~~time skip brought to you by the math homework I'm supposed to be doing right now~~~

A nurse walks out of the emergency room doors. I look up. It's been about 6 hours. Kirishima's mom is sleeping next to me. The nurse starts to walk towards us. I shake her awake. She looks at me confused. Then she notices the nurse in front of us.

"Are you the ones who brought Kirishima Eijirou?", She asks kindly.

We both nod.

"I wanted to tell you that when he was stabbed in the chest, his lungs started to fill with fluid. We preformed surgery to remove the fluid. The surgery was a success", We both let out a sigh of relief.

"Furthermore", she continues,"He's now in a stable condition and he's now allowed to have visitors"

I jump up, "Can we go see him now?", I ask.

"Yeah of course! If you'd like I can show you to his room", she says politely.

"That would be lovely thank you", Ms. Kirishima says as she gets up.

As we make our way to his room, the nurse informs us that Kirishima is  still sleeping, and that we should be quiet. We walk up to door number 124. She opens it for us.

Inside, Kiri is peaceful lying on a white hospital bed. He had white band aids wrapped over pretty much every square inch of his body. He has a white eye patch covering his right eye. The nurse is still standing in the doorway. I turn to her.

"Did you already stitch up his eye?", I ask her. Ms.Kirishima gasps.

"Yes. Luckily, his actual eye wasn't too damaged. He'll most likely still have some vision, but I highly doubt it will the same as it was", she informs us.

"Bakugo!", Ms. Kirishima cry's,"You didn't tell me about anything happening to his eye!"

"...Sorry..", I apologies.

The nurse leaves, closing the door behind her. I sit in a plastic chair next to Kiri's bed, leaving the comfortable looking recliner for Ms. Kirishima. She sits down, and with in 5 minutes shes back asleep. I reach out and grab Kirishima's hand. I look down at his hand. I notice the band aids covering his burns. That's when I notice the tears falling down onto his hand. I try to stop, but I can't. Just then, someone squeezes my hand. I look up.

Kirishima's looking at me. He's smiling his sharp toothed grin that makes my heart do back flips.

"Please don't cry", he says, "You'll make me cry"

I smile. I laugh. I get up and hug him. He bring one of his arms and wraps it around me. I pull back. I'm staring at his beautiful eye. I lean down, and I kiss him He freezes and then he kisses me back. I pull back. He's smiling. He pulls me back down, and we kiss again. Shit, I missed him. I pull back again. He's smiling. I missed his smile.

"I'm going to wake up your mom Kaneki", I say to him.

He laughs softly, "Why did you call me that?"

"With your eye patch you look like Kaneki!", I tell him again. He laughs again. I smile at him.  

I found him. I got him back. And I'm never losing him again.

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