Chapter One

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~*10 years ago*~

The boat pulled into the harbor, the gray clouds surrounding the entire continent made even the docks seem like it was haunted. A musky wind blew as a man stepped off of the boat and walked along the creaking wooden dock. He had short, shaggy silver hair that hung slightly in his eyes, which were a pale blue color. Ignoring the men at the harbor who were barking orders at each other, he continued along the mountain path which would eventually lead him down into a crater valley. The small continent of Tartas was mainly a mountain range that was about ten miles off of the coast of Fiore. One could not see it from the shoreline because of the dark clouds that surrounded it. Part of that reason was because the Magic Council wanted to keep the island concealed. Reaching the top of one of the smallest mountains, the man looked down into the crater to see one of the largest buildings he has ever seen. Towers stood almost as tall as the mountains did; this is the prison of Tartas, the only building on the entire island. The Magic Council had this prison established for criminals they couldn’t handle; or didn’t want to handle. Sighing, the man proceeded down and arrived at the gate where a guard stopped him with a spear.

“What business do you have here?” he spat out.

“I’m Ichimaru Sanoske. I’ve come here on my request to the Magic Council.”

“You’re finally here,” a man said walking forward, his hands behind his back. “Lay down your arms, this man is no threat.” He looked at Ichimaru through his pale eyes. “The Magic Council actually agreed to your little plan. I have to be honest. I’m a bit surprised.”

“You and me both,” Ichimaru said with a smirk. “I told them I would just be taking the five who are to be executed tomorrow. No more and no less.”

“Then let us proceed,” the representative said as he gestured with his hand for Ichimaru to follow him. Passing the guards and entering through a giant metal gate, they walked by torchlight down into the dungeons below. Ichimaru looked back over his shoulder at the gate and the representative snickered.

“That gate blocks all magic,” he explained. Ichimaru smiled.

“How interesting,” he replied as they came to a spiral staircase. The man turned and eyed Ichimaru. “The most dangerous are located further down. I will explain each of their magic to you, but please keep in mind that all criminals will not change.”

“It is my job to change them,” Ichimaru replied softly. “I bet my life on it.” Silence was the only answer Ichimaru received in return. They proceeded down until they came to an iron door. The representative unlocked it and it revealed a hallway with three cells, one on one side and two on the other before the stairs proceeded down again. The representative opened the only door on the right to reveal a little girl with violet hair and eyes, chains shackled around her wrists and ankles. Her eyes narrowed at Ichimaru and he didn’t blame her for her hostility.

“This here is the Ice Dragon Slayer,” the representative said and Ichimaru’s eyes widened with shock. “But she doesn’t know how to use any of her special dragon techniques. The only thing she knows is how to use ice to kill.”

“In what ways?” Ichimaru questions as he stares at the shackles on the girl. That’s too cruel, he thought.

“She creates spears and impales people with them. Not only that, but she locks them in Eternal Ice.”

“An ancient form of ice magic,” Ichimaru breathed. He smiled at the representative. “I’ll be taking her.”

“Whatever. I’ll signal the guards about her. Let’s proceed. Perhaps I can show a few more prisoners and you could change your mind on the ones being executed.”

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