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Most burnouts always have some kind of sad background. Their parents left them when they were little, abused, or their parents are alcoholics.

I guess you can say Layla had it all.

Her mom got pregnant with Layla when she was 16 years old. Her dad obviously didn't want to support her mom since he was young and wanted to pursue an acting career and he didn't want some kid ruining his chances.

But once that never happened, he tried getting custody of Layla when she was three years old. He lost custody and my mom decided to just let him back in her life and help take care of little Layla.

Fast forward about nine years, Layla was 12 years old and her parents would always send her off with a babysitter while they both got as high as the sky.

Though because they would spend most of their earnings on drugs and alcohol, they couldn't pay enough money for rent or a babysitter.

5 years later till present time, they live in a small apartment with one bedroom. Layla's parents were never there for Layla so she took care of herself and got into the wrong group of kids during middle school.

Though Layla would never get hit by her parents, they would throw lamps and plates at her that would shatter around her and pieces of shards would stick in her skin.

As of now. While Layla grabbed her folder that held all of her unfinished school assignments, her dad was yelling at her mom.

"You can't do anything right, can you?!" A cigarette hanged loosely between her mothers dried chapped lips.

Layla tied her hair in a loose bun, with pieces of hair falling out.

"First you get fucking pregnant with this piece of shit and now you forget my cigarette packets!" Her Dad slammed his fists into the kitchen counter. Her mother's eyes flared in anger.

"It takes two to tango, asshole," Layla mumbled and stuck her brown loose hair behind her ear.

Next thing she knew she was ducking from a flying plate.

Layla grabbed the front door handle and slightly opened it and slide out. "Nice try." She shouted at her father and quickly closed the door when she saw another plate smash against the wall.

She rushed down the stairs and out the dirty lobby before her dad decided to chase after her.

✵ ✵ ✵

"How was homecoming with top class bitch?" Nicole said to Jacob as they walked towards the patio before school officially started.

"She fucking bailed on me to go with Patrick." Jacob scoffed, shaking his head. "I mean, fucking Patrick?"

Nicole smiled brightly. "Ha ha."

Layla rolled her eyes at her two friends.

"Well, I would, but my parents are going out of town, and I have to watch my little brother." Lindsay said.

Jacob and Nicole looked at each other. If this was a cartoon, there would be a lightbulb above them.

They both grinned at each other and walked up to Weir.

"Lindsay, is it?" Jacob said as he wrapped his arms around Lindsay's shoulders.

"Um, yes?"

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