Chapter 6

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Disclaimer: We all know Stephanie Meyers is the mastermind behind the twilight series, so I'm going to stop with the disclaimers since we all know I'm not the creator of these amazing characters I'm just putting my own twist to them.

Bella's POV

Esme is just amazing. She asked me to move in and of course I said yes. Who wouldn't say yes to moving in with their mate? She's the love of my life, my true love, the only one for me. She's just truly amazing and I'm the luckiest person alive to be able to call her mine. Nothing can take her away from me, I won't allow it.

We arrive at our house (man it feels good to say that) and head inside. I hope all of her "kids" like me, I'm not much of a parent figure since I've never really had one and I don't want to be like my mom. She never really did much for me, and I am so afraid that I'm going to turn out like her. I literally have nightmares about being like her, it's terrible.

"Bella honey, I can hear your heartbeat calm down. They're going to love you, you have nothing to worry about," Esme says. I just nod in response too nervous to actually speak. Here we go.

"Kids, we're back!" Esme "yelled" out since she really didn't have to yell for them to hear her. I could hear doors shutting and people heading this way. Don't freak out, don't freak out. They'll love you, you can do this.

"Thank god you found her Esme, I wouldn't want my best friend slash new mom to be missing," Alice said.

"Did you say new mom? Like you don't care that I'm different or not a vampire?" I ask. This is all going so fast and I'm confused. Here I am thinking that they'll hate me for tearing their family apart, and Alice just goes and says something crazy like that to me. This all just needs to slow down.

I feel myself start to breathe heavier, and my vision is starting to get blurry and dark around the edges. No I can't be having a panic attack now, they'll think I'm an even bigger freak!

"Bella sweetie, you need to calm down." Is it bad that I don't even know who said that? I think it is. I honestly don't know. I bet it's Esme since they called me sweetie, or maybe it's Alice. She can be like that sometimes.

"Can't b-breathe," I stammered out. I gently lowered myself to the ground so I wouldn't collapse. That would be very embarrassing, well more so than what this already is. I feel cold arms wrap around my body. The temperature difference feels amazing against my heated skin.

"It's going to be okay love, just breathe." Okay that's definitely Esme. I know for a fact she wouldn't let anyone else call me love.

I feel my breathing start to slow down, and my heartbeat decrease into a steadier rhythm. I think I'm going to be okay. I got this, I can do this. I am amazing and old and I can become a mom. I think I'm going to pass out.

"Esme, I think I'm going to pass out."

A/n: and here's another chapter! I'm sorry the chapters are getting shorter, but I said I had the storyline and plot figured out, which I do, I'm just having a little trouble getting my ideas to come out into words for the story. I'm hoping everything is making since I'm writing this very late at night so there are probably mistakes, but this is the only time I have available to write. I hope you guys enjoyed it, until next time


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