Part 3

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"What the fuck is this," Lena's father Giannis asked. "Where did you get this from"
"Im sorry father" Lena pleaded "its for my protection"
Lena's gun was hanging in her fathers had "Protection? If you had married you wouldn't need protection"
"Dad im only 19"
"Yes, but still. This is unacceptable"
"Im an adult i can make my own choices"
"I am still your father and you are are still my child," he said a little calmly "why would you need this?"
"Things are getting dangerous in the city these days"
"Why are you still living there? Come home."
"There's work there Dad. Its so convenient"
"convenience has nothing to do with living your life properly"
"i promise to visit more often"
"you better"
Lena hugged her Dad and walked away from her house. They lived in the countryside. It was quiet and peaceful, all green with beautiful pink flowers growing everywhere, wild horses running around and a river streaming right through. Lena stepped in her car. It was an old model it had regular wheels due to the law that says no flying modes of transport are allowed outside the cities. Lena drove fast feeling the wind through her hair. She peeked at her watch. She was going to be late.

"Lena don't step foot in here ever again"
"Look my Dad hel,-"
"I dont care about any excuses you  have. You are a trainee. You're supposed to be training from CyberOps. This is the 5th time you've come late. You're at the bottom of your class. While you're in that class you sleep. You're physical tests are phenomenal but you don't listen to anybody but yourself. You're 'talent' if i can even call it that is fading away. If i sent you in for a practice run the exoskeleton would crush your body. You don't train. You don't practice. You don't listen. I really like you, thats why i let you stay. But this is going too far. Im sorry im going to have to let you go. "
" no , please i promise ill work harder. This is all i have" Lena said desperately.
"Im sorry its too late for that. You're going to have to sign up again in 5 years."
Lena had signed up for the CyberOps program, a program that trains soldiers to prepare them for exoskeleton which grants enhanced abilities. They paid well and allowed Lena to get an apartment for free. She didn't have that anymore either. She was on her own. She handed in her badge and her commissioned MK rifle. She packed her things and said goodbye to everybody in her squad. Then she left.
Overcome by sadness but knowing it was her own fault Lena threw her bags away. She didn't care anymore. What was the point. She kept her bullet proof vest because it was expensive but she gave the rest to the homeless in an alleyway. She continued walking down the street and went into a bar. Frank was sitting in the corner looking confused. Lena spotted him and walked over. She sat down beside him.
"Do i know you?" Frank asked.
"Okay, do you want a drink?"
"Yeah sure, thanks"
"Okay", Frank got up to makr a drink.
"But first" Lena said flirtatiously. She grabbed his hand and pulled him close. She placed her other hand on his face. Frank stared at her. "Oh" were the only words he could muster.
She moved in closer but suddenly she stopped.
She dislocated her jaw to spread it wider open. She started biting Franks face. Frank screamed pushing her back but her teeth were lodged from his eyebrows to his lower chin. She started pulling back hard and Franks face started tearing. The searing pain hit first as his nerves and tissues was ripped from his flesh. It burned as if acid was touching his face. Frank screamed harder struggling to get away from her. She peeled his face off along with his nose and lips. Frank could see his skin in her mouth as she pulled back sharply tearing it off completely . His bone and flesh wear visible and his eyes irritated due to no eyelids. His teeth were no longer covered and parts of his jaw were also visible. Frank started screaming, he grabbed his head and started smashing it into a wall. Why was he still alive? He continued smashing and smashing until he turned around and looked back at Lena. She jumped at him again. Frank screamed even louder as he fell back. His head smashed onto soft bed and his eyes opened. Lena was standing over him looking at him curiously.
"You okay"
"Oh my fucking god you ate my fucking face"
"bad dream?"
"Wow calm down please"
Frank explained how the dream started with her father and and her and how she ended up with a face in her mouth.
"Disgusting" she commented "I told you about my dad"
"Wait what"
"I told you about him a couple of months ago"
"ive only known you for two days."
" Bitch we've been friends for two years"
"No we haven't"
"Are you serious right now?"
"Yes i am"
"We live together, that's my room" she pointed at a door Frank never noticed.
"When did that get there, i cant remember it"
"Okay i think i need some air" Lena sais clearly annoyed "Go jack off or something". She slammed the door behind her.
Frank was confused. Why was she mad. What did she mean 2 years? What happened in the past two years? "Ive been living i guess " Frank said so unconvincingly he didn't even believe himself. He did remember taking BLS1.
He picked up his laptop and started researching side effects. Nothing about memory loss or amnesia.
He did see sleep loss, hallucinations, rapid breathing, depression, and heart failure. He wasn't suffering from any of those except hallucinations. He thought back to when he followed his coworker. Fucking weird he thought to himself.

BLS1 is a 4 part drug made up of
the  artificial  compounds Black Nitrate B3, Luthinar and Serenity.
Serenity? What is that? He clicked on the Wikipedia page.
Serenity, a new drug compound. And it stopped. Huh? The Wikipedia page didn't go any further. He saw on the sidebar that the drug was discovered by H.G Keller, a renowned scientist. He was dead, his ex wife found him. He had overdosed on Serenity.
He continued research into Keller and found out that Serenity turned out to be a hallucinogenic drug. Why wasn't it on Wikipedia? Frank asked taking screenshots of the page. Frank blinked and the whole page was gone. He tried refreshing but nothing worked. It was just gone.

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