Chapter 4

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After dinner last night, I and Lilian prepared overnight for this course. I didn't know if I wanted to go for this trip, but she scolded me saying we were going to do this together and we were gonna get in together.

So we made researches, watched online videos and tried putting two into two so we could at least have a foundation on it.

But it was all the same being social, a not just social your relations with people both positive and negative manner.

"You know am super excited about this trip, just imagine if we get in all the crazy things we could do."

"Yeah and what's your idea of crazy?"

"I and Collins going through an adventure together it would make an awesome memory, you and I teaching Juliana a real lesson that she would regret all the days of her life"

I laughed hard, my friend is so crazy "And what kind of thing are we going to do to Juliana?"

"Uhm like putting chilly pepper in her underwear or spiders in her brazier?"

I stared at Lilian with wide eyes "You don't mean that do you, you just have to be kidding!"

"And what If am not?" she asked seriously

"I don't know babe but am not in"

"Till then" she said confidently.

We slept later on, setting an alarm to wake us up at exactly 5:30 the next day because the class was starting by eight. And punctuality was our priority right now.

I woke up at five o'clock, 30mins before our planned time. I wasn't much of a big sleeper anyways.

I went to the other room to check in on Lilian but she was sleeping like she was crushed by a road truck, tossing and snoring. She could be that way most times when she's stressed, and the stress right now was our 3hrs lesson.

I tied my hair in a messy bun, moving into the kitchen to fix something for breakfast before we got ready for our interesting exam on campus. 

I made pancakes and eggs, by the time I was done it was 5:40. Now was the time for us to get ready .

I went into Lillian's room, trying to wake her up but my efforts where in vain she wasn't responding to my touch. Then I did the worse, she was going to be angry as hell but we both needed this.

I went into her bathroom taking a bowl of water then I poured all the contents on her face.


She sprang up right, spluttering before coughing loudly.

Now I felt guilty

She rubbed her hands frantically on her face, before glaring at me "Jennifer!"


"What was that for?" she yelled with a wide red puffy eyes

She could be bitchy most time in the morning.

"I tried waking you up but you weren't responding and we are going to be late if you continued that way"

She stared at me for like 2mins, we continued starring at each other that way I guess we did that for like 5mins.

Before she blinked and then jumped from her bed"Oh! True Jenny, our trip! Our goddamn trip. You don't want to be late, go and get ready while I do the same. I need to do my make up, choose a pretty dress and shoes."

"Yeah you could have thought about that while you were sleeping like a cow" I joked while laughing

She joined in "And you are the hyenas, always awake and prepared for their hunt" she winked, before rushing into her bathroom.

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