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106.1k likes, 79.3k comments

Ollie.Hollister- let me clarify something, everyone thought my name is actually Ollie. It's not. I don't like my name, which is Olympia, so I made everyone call me Ollie. Unless it's like a wedding in that case, I have to be called Olympia. Ollie just sounds better than being called 'Olympia Hollister' or in this case 'Olympia Maynard'. Ollie was the nickname I made everyone call me, but my mum still calls me Olympia. I just wanted to get that off my mind xx

Luke.Hollister- I definitely agree that Ollie sounds better than Olympia x

Jack_Maynard- I want a cuddle, Olympia... ;)

Ollie.Hollister- @Jack_Maynard get Hope to give you cuddles x

25th May 2018

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