[ h e c t i c ].

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Here is the part twø y'all wanted! 💕

Btw ain't øur baby Ski sø cute? Sømetimes I dream abøut marrying a rapper, nøt because they famøus but because they dø the stuff I løve the møst. Rap.

Sø møst of y'all knøw I wanna make a (ski mask x Reader) støry, where the Reader is Jahseh's ølder ør yøunger sister.

You smiled at yourself in the mirror, satisfied at the way your dress had fit you. You turned around and giggled lightly, you were so excited for tonight.

Your momma clapped her hands as she sat on the bed, she got up and shook you around as she hugged you.

"Aww my baby! You look so beautiful! Your brother never allowed you to wear dresses..... or shorts, or capris.... — but look at you! My baby looks so cute! She's so beautiful!"

Your momma showered you in kisses and held your hand. You helped her up from where she sat. She led you outside where you would wait for Stokeley to pick you up.

"So, who's your last minute prom date?"

Your mom asked, hitting her hip with yours, you nearly toppled to the floor, but thank god that you didn't.

After gaining your composure someone tackled you from the back in the middle of the hallway. It was Aiden.

"Big sis is going with big brothers best friend isn't she? I heard his voice in her room! Didn't I big sister?!"

You blushed and waved your hands in the air, stopping any commotion from starting. Your mother gasped and nearly fell into the wall.

You helped her before she even could.

"He heard his voice in my room cause I called him Aiden, apologize to momma. She almost fell over cause of you"

Aiden grabbed onto your mothers leg and looked up at her with pleading eyes, those cute little puppy dog eyes.

"Sorry mama"

He said. She just smiled and with ease pulled your little brother of her leg.

"It's alright baby" she turned to you, an expression of worry "but that's not why I almost fell over, getting pregnant is natural. Just as long as you know that you ain't livin here no more and you're on those reality tv shows—"

"Momma I get it"

You stopped her before this could start to be a full blown conversation like with Jahseh. Well, talking to her was like talking to a more understanding and feminine version of Jahseh.

"I'm worried about Stokeley, you ever thought what would happen if anyone else heard in on y'all conversation? Was anyone around when you talked about it? Because if that's right than yo brother probably smashed his face into the damn concrete alrea—"

You gasped and ran outside.


You slammed the door open, not so much after your mom yelled.

"You gon pay the hole in the wall (y/n)?! You gon buy another door if it breaks off?! Huh?! You got the money?!"

You ignored her, but it still gave you chills. You walked over to the taller guy and caressed the blood and cuts all over his face.

"Stokeley, oh no what happened!?"

You brought him to a lawn chair next to the porch and sat him down. You ran in the house for a few washcloths, a water bottle, and a first aide kit. When you got outside he leaned over on the chair, trying to get back up.

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