8: When Xephmadia was a thing...

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8: When Xephmadia was at thing...

Reading that title...you can interpret that in probably three ways. And I'm not elaborating anymore than that.

However, let's conclude the fact that there is a difference between the Minecraft ship and the real ship. The real ship as we know is gone, but with such a big fanbase during that time: the Minecraft ship will always be with us. No matter if their name is Lomadia/Xephos or Lewis/Hannah. 

That's why I wanted to put out an old snippet to commemorate the Spaceman and the Owl Lady. I've always adored their relationship and it's sweet how they're put in stories. 


The Fault in Our Yogs: A Yogscast Fanfic

In the late summer of my 17th year, my mum finally was certain that I was depressed, probably because I rarely left the house; spent my days watching endless Batman shows, played the same game (Minecraft) hours for hours, didn't eat a lot, and used my free time thinking about one thing: death.

When or wherever you read any random cancer booklet or website, they always list depression is one of the side effects of cancer.

However, in my fact: depression isn't a side effect.

Depression is a side effect of dying.

Well... Cancer is also a side effect of dying... almost everything really.

But being Mum, she believed I needed treatment for my 'depression', so she took me to get check up on my regular Doctor: Chris: who actually agrees that I was plunging endlessly in a hole of deep depression.

But I said to both of them: "Mum, I'm not depressed!"

Mum replied back: "Hannah, it's a side effect: you need the meds."

"But I'm NOT depressed!" And that was when they decided I should attend weekly: A Cancer Support Group.

This Support Group featured many characters that rotate around, in which they vary with states of tumour-driven unwellness. Why do they rotate anyways? Of course: a side effect of dying.

And of course: Support Group was more depressing than watching Batman. It met every Tuesday in the basement of the Episcopal church that looked like a shape of a cross. Everyone would sit in a circle in the middle of the cross; where 'the heart of Jesus' would have been.

It was getting annoying really, I knew this when Sjin – his weird nickname – talked about the heart of Jesus every single meeting me had! He was the leader of the support group, who was the only one over 18. Anyways, he would talk about how we: young cancer survivors were sitting at the very sacred heart of whatever.

So here's how it went, every Tuesday, at the Heart of Jesus: The six or more of us would walk or wheeled in, gaze at the plate of Jaffas and lemonade that's provided on a table; then sit down in the 'Circle of Trust', and then listen to Sjin babble about... again about his 'depressing' life and how he had cancer in his balls and the doctors thought he was going to die but didn't. He's now a fully grown adult, divorced and addicted to what I love: Minecraft.

After Sjin's story, we all introduce ourselves: Name, Age, Diagnosis and How we're doing today.

I'm Hannah: I'll say when they get to me.


And Thyroid originally but with a problem breathing with my lungs... yeah my lungs suck at being lungs.

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