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POV Keitoro

„Stupid torch-head, Keitoro is mine" I heard Yoichi whisper in his sleep. A strong blush instantly colouring my face. I had just come over to wake him up, in case there were any Camp activities today and the others were already waiting on us.

I didn't imagine him sleeping there like, ... like, ... THIS! In his sleep he had somehow gotten rid of his blanket and he was only sleeping in his boxers, which I might add was already sporting a big tent. My face grew even hotter at the thought of how big he must be.

A short time I contemplated if I should touch it, just to satisfy my inner wants but just as my hand was reaching out towards it, I felt his hand grab mine. My gaze shot towards his face to check if that was a coincidence or if he was awake.

Under half closed eyelids I could see his purple, pink eyes watching me. He released my hand again, probably to check what I would be doing next. It felt a little animalistic, but I found it to be strangely cute and in comparison, to his usual behaviour it was strangely curious and not as aggressive.

I remember asking myself if this is how he usually thinks, without putting up his façade of anger.

I spent a few minutes just looking into his eyes, just losing myself in his sleepy gaze. He looked so innocent and curious and on the other hand extremely sexy and inviting. His lips were slightly parted, and I could imagine his hot breath reaching every inch of my body.

I shuddered at how turned on I was. But backed off a step when my Mind was telling me to not show him how strongly I craved for his touch. My head started to face the ground instead of his beautiful eyes, as if I was defeated.

And in an instant his hand had found its way to mine again. Another blush crept onto my face as my eyes shot to meet his again. And this time he seemed to be more awake, his eyes were opened wider than before and he bit his lower lip. As my gaze searched his it felt like he wanted to tell me something.

I wanted to ask why he had grabbed my hand, but he place himself to one side of the bed and dragged me down onto it in front of him. The hand that he had used to pull me to him had now found its way around my waist and pulled me close to him.

My mind started racing with a million thoughts, a billion questions to ask him, a gazillion options on how to react to this situation, but then he laid his face to my neck and licked along it for a second. From a million thoughts, a billion questions and gazillion options none remained in the blink of an eye.

It was as if his touch had made me lose my mind, as if he had wiped my thoughts clean of anything. I could only think about how his body was laying hot against mine, how his hot breath was tracing down my neck, how every little hair on my body seemed to erect as one shudder of delight washed over me after the other.

And then his mouth robbed me of whatever focus I had left. Now all I could feel were his teeth tracing along my neck and shoulder. His tongue leaving a wet trail where it had been and then he started sucking on my neck like it was giving him all the energy he would be needing for the rest of his life.

A moan escaped my lips after a short second that felt like eternity.

And just then the door to the cabin shot open and with it my mind returned to its normal functioning capabilities. My eyes shot open in an instant meeting the ones of my best friend Hiro. If his gaze wasn't so filled with hate and rage, my mind would have already drifted back into nothingness as Yoichi was still sucking my neck.

"STOP THAT YOU FREAK!" Hiro screamed towards Yoichi, who didn't react at all. "Come on Keitoro, you don't need to let him use you like this, I'm here to protect you now!" His eyes seemed still to be so filled with hate.

I wanted to tell him how I actually craved for this, how I actually wanted Yoichi to do this, but no words left my mouth. I opened and closed it a few times unable to form any coherent words and just as I was about to give up Yoichi stopped and growled towards Hiro. That only seemed to stir him up further though.

"Back off, torch-head!" Yoichi growled threateningly. Another kiss was placed to were he had just been sucking and biting my neck. "I claimed Keitoro, he's mine." He then added the grin clear in his voice.

"Suits you to think that you could just give him a hickey and then think that he belongs to you, jungle-boy!" Hiro screamed angrily at him. And I couldn't bare the two of them fighting like this, especially because of me.

"If he would have wanted you, he would have resisted me, but he didn't!" Yoichi growled behind me again. And just as Hiro opened his mouth to give some whippy remark I couldn't listen anymore.

"STOP IT YOU TWO!" I screamed frustrated and stormed off into the bathroom to the lockers.

A few minutes after I had fled and started crying my eyes out Natsumi entered. He was kind of our Team Leader or at least it felt like it.

"Oh, sorry Keitoro, I didn't know that you were in here." He said first, looking at me with worry. "Is everything alright? I just wanted to change into dry clothes, if you don't mind?"

I sniffled, looking at him with tear-filled eyes. "Hiro and Yoichi were arguing about something involving me and I just want everyone to be happy and I don't want them to get angry at each other just because of me." I managed to half choke out, half sniffle through.

"So, that's why they're in there having their backs turned to each other and both with a super dark aura surrounding them." He whispered more to himself than to me.

"And I mean I can understand both of them. Yoichi doesn't want Hiro to poke his head in affairs that do not involve him, and Yoichi is probably extra insecure because we didn't have any time to talk about our relationship yet and on the other hand I can understand, that Hiro thinks of Yoichi making me do something I don't want and that he just wants to protect his best friend, but they don't need to worry do they?" I asked Natsumi after I had explained the situation roughly.

Natsu looked at me for a minute and then smiled brightly. "No, it really seems like a big misunderstanding, we should just go and clear it up"

After Natsumi had finished changing I followed him back into the main room of the Cabin, where our beds were. I poked my head out behind Natsumi and in an instant both of their eyes had found their way onto me.

And I asked myself on how to proceed now. Natsumi left the room to give us some privacy. My eyes locked with Yoichi first, who seemed to grin at the thought and then my eyes drifted to Hiro. He still seemed upset but waited for me to say anything.

I thought about what to say to him until "Yoichi didn't make me do anything." Left my lips. His head lowered itself defeated and I didn't like how he seemed like it was all his fault. "But your concern is well appreciated." I added to cheer him up. A small smile found its way onto his face, before he came over to me, hugged me and left the cabin as well.

Just then my gaze turned to Yoichi again, a smirk apparent on his face. "So, you chose me over him?" he asked coming closer to me.

"No, I just love you in a different way than I do him." I answered truthfully, and his gaze darkened at the thought of me loving Hiro as well.

"Doesn't matter if you love him, you're mine now" he growled possessively. A smile formed on my lip, as I thought about how much he cared for me.

"You're misunderstand me, I love Hiro as a best friend, as a brother maybe but I love you with all of my heart." I tried to clear up his misunderstanding. He took a step towards me, so that our lower bodies were already in contact. My blood seemed to boil up under my skin, as my heart seemed to pump it quicker than I ever thought possible.

"I hope you love me with all of your body as well" Yoichi growled against my lips, before he placed his on mine in a wanting kiss. All my senses seemed to drain from my mind again and all I was able to concentrate on was his lips on mine, his strong scent in my nose, his taste in my mouth, his tongue dancing with mine.

I just snapped out of it for a second when he pushed me to the ground. Quickly his mouth had found the same spot on my neck again, which he had used to 'claim' me earlier.

"I love you so much." I said, the words escaping my lips.

"You're and always will be mine." He growled again and then showed me how much he had wanted me too. 

Yoichi x Keitoro (Camp Buddy) [BxB]Where stories live. Discover now