Chapter 10

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23 December 2019

I walked up the stairs with full grace as thousands of people clapped for me, cheering my name. I was brave enough to walk up to the stage as I felt thousand pair of eyes fixed on me, watching my every move. 

"First of all, thank you so much to everyone who has voted for 'Cleo' magazine as 'Magazine Of The Year'. I'm already thankful enough to represent the company and for having fans who support and read our magazine, I'm already so grateful. But to win this privileged award, I'm loss for words. I started journalism at a young age and though the people around me told me that I could not make it, my family stood behind me and supported me. I worked in a small company a year ago, editing a small segment that barely gets noticed. My interest in spreading news, speaking up for what is right grew as I progressed throughout the years. Mama, papa and my brothers watching at home, thank you for everything that you've given me. To my colleagues back in the company I used to work for, and the company I owe now, thank you for believing in me. To my late grand mother who told me that I will  be a princess when I grow up, unfortunately I'm not cut for the royal life but this is everything I love. Thank you for allowing me to dream. And, to my fiance, Hector Bellerin, thank you for letting me feel gratitude and happiness every day I wake up to see you beside me. You have in fact, brought out the best of me."

The crowd applaud and cheered even louder than before, as I felt a heavy weight being lifted off my chest. I could feel my eyes collecting with tears, but it was definitely tears of joy. I have made it. Everything I wanted, I've achieved it. I've got what I wanted. I made my way through the backstage, the way back to the VIP seats before I recognized the group of people who stood in front of me. Simon Hernandez, my father, Elliot Hernandez, my mother, Cody Hernandez, Christian Hernandez and Charles Hernandez, my brothers. My father handed me a bouquet of daisies and pulled me into a tight hug, before everyone else gathered into a group hug.

"We are so happy and proud of you," mother smiled, pecking a kiss on my forehead. Father nodded, agreeing to what mother has just said. 

"Congratulations," Charles smiled. It was rare to see him smile, but he did.

"We're proud of you."

"Yeah," Christian and Cody added.

And then at the back the room, I saw the love of my life. My soulmate, my partner.

"I love you," I mouthed as I sprinted my way to him, leaping into a tight hug. 

That's it. I finally understood what gratitude meant. I didn't have to achieve a lot but the small things I already had in this life, was enough. And that was my family and Hector. And who knew... appreciating whatever I already had got me the dream job I've always wanted? Nonetheless, I was genuinely happy... 

This is my life...

And I'm thankful...


Drunk In Love; Hector BellerinWhere stories live. Discover now