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How dare you touch me?" she yelled. "don't even try to close to me. I don't love you. It's just for my mom that I have to marry you, otherwise I should have married the person I love" she shout holding herself with his hand having tears in her eyes.

He stand numb with her words. He shocked with those bitter words. Those bitter words pouring acids in his heart. "She don't love me ever? I'm just a burden on her. I was forced on her as the name of marriage!" he thought shockingly.

" wait what did he said she said a moment ago? If this marriage didn't happened she would have married the person she loved. That means she loved some one!" he shocked to the core on his realisation.

For the first time his eyes started to shed tears. He just rooted at the place for some time, then without saying anything he went out of the room broken.

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