Father's Grave

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You decided to go to your father's grave, to ask his advice. It wasn't really something you were in the habit of doing, but you were desperate. Couldn't think of a logical way out of this. Needed advice and couldn't bear to burden your friends any more than necessary. You needed your father's comfort, or what passed for comfort from him. You couldn't get that, obviously, so you settled for the next best thing. The only thing that makes you feel close to him anymore. Visiting his grave, it always felt weird and wrong and yet comforting all at the same time. How was that even possible? They were conflicting and opposite emotions. It didn't, doesn't, make sense, yet it also makes complete sense at the same time. But those were the conflicting feelings which were felt when you visited his grave. The grave was clearly put together either in a hurry or by a child, either way it was the closest thing you had and you couldn't bring yourself to touch or fix the makeshift grave. Finding out about the grave was most likely an accident, a little girl, Laura, if you remembered correctly, had told you about a man who matched your father's description with his same mutation, travelling with an elderly man who couldn't walk, but was a powerful telepath. He sounded a lot like the professor, you remembered the first time you came across the professor, you were locked up in an army base when the professor and his Polish friend turned up and offered you a home.

This little girl, who claimed to be his daughter, kept bugging you, but she was also the only one who knew where your father had been buried and what had happened. It was her that showed you where to go. You looked at the grave awkwardly hugging your midsection as you sat down. "Hey, dad, this isn't awkward at all..." you looked around you praying that no one was listening to you. "I can't believe you did that. What were you thinking?" the last part was said more to yourself than to your father, you couldn't understand why you felt the need to talk to a grave, it's not like your mutation involved being able to talk to the dead, it was the first time you had felt that you needed to talk with your father since you lost Havok and you honestly couldn't think of anyone else to turn to, your mother was dead, the closest thing you had to a sibling was about 75 years your junior, the other was keeping a low profile God only knew where and now your father was dead. As much as you didn't want to, you couldn't help but place some of the blame for that on your newly acknowledged sibling. You knew it wasn't fair or right to do that but you couldn't help that small part of you which did, even your younger brother (by 10 years, give or take), Daken didn't understand why you appeared to resent Laura so much, why you blamed her for something out-with her control. Although you and Daken's age gap was significantly smaller than that between you both and Laura, and you were much closer to him you still couldn't bear to burden him with this new development. Either way, you hoped that by talking about it out loud you could possibly come to terms with having a new sibling who was there when your father had passed.

One thing which was consistent between Daken, Laura and yourself was the healing factor and heightened senses, you were the only one not to get the claws though (you found this highly unfair), but instead you took solace in the fact that you had inherited one of your mother's abilities to make up for the lack of claws. Your mother's gift which you had inherited was the ability to be able to blend into your surroundings, disappear completely. This one always freaked Daken out and once you had become a bit more of yourself after Havok had passed you took great liberties with it. One thing you knew for definite was that your father would not have accepted Laura with open arms when she approached him and he had found out that she was another biological child of his, he had a hard-enough time accepting and acknowledging Daken and yourself, nevermind a third child, especially one he had no part in creating. You started talking, warily, slowly, telling this grave all your worries about having a new sibling with no help from Daken who would know exactly what she was going through, you told him how you worried that they would push you out because they had far more in common, they had the exact same mutation for crying out loud, minus the fact that Daken has bone claws and one that protrudes from his wrists while Laura has adamantium claws and one that protrudes from each foot. You told him about Daken's latest adventures (or his version of them anyway), how Laura was difficult to console, calm and talk to (despite you learning Spanish to communicate with her), and how you were having an overall crappy time adjusting to your new sibling.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2018 ⏰

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