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Matthew rubbed the edges of his badge as he looked up at the map on the wall.

The yellowed paper wasn't revealing any new secrets, just the same buildings and attractions.

They'd lost JC, Roi, Teala, and Colleen, and the morale of the group was low. They needed another challenge.

"Find anything?" Safiya asked, walking up next to him.

"No. We need to find another clue if we're going to make any sort of progress," Matthew sighed.

"Well, that's going to be hard. Everybody's still grilling Joey about what he knows, so I don't think we can really ask them to think critically at the moment."

"Don't they understand? We're better as a team. We can't have all these divisions, or it's going to rip us apart from the inside," Matthew explained, shaking his head. He didn't mind thoughtful debates, but the flat-out accusations that were starting to appear were a serious threat to everyone.

"This isn't getting us anywhere," Matthew said. He turned to go try and defuse the tension amid the rest of the group, but a bullet buried itself in the wall an inch away from his head.

Instinctually, he ducked.

Safiya whipped around. "Shit!" she yelled, and frantically started to look for something she could use as a weapon.

Another bullet came through the window, and lumps of glass skittered on the floor.

Everybody had been preoccupied with their argument, but the sound of glass shattering got them to turn around.

"Hide!" Manny shouted, diving behind a couch.

"What the hell?" Nikita said, trying to see out the broken window from her position.

Matthew, still on the floor, saw a letter stamped on the bullet just ahead of him.

"GUYS!" he yelled.

Everybody turned to face him.

"Collect the bullets! They're a clue!"

"Are you crazy?!" Nikita said hysterically.

"I've got three!" Ro whispered, handing them to Matthew.

He tried to block out the screaming and gunshots, and just focused on the letters in front of him.

"Okay, there's an A, a G, a Y, and an L so far."

"Lagy? Glay?" Joey said, trying to find combinations.

"I've got two!" Nikita shouted, tossing them to Matthew.

"Another L and an E."

"Galley? Is there a ship here?" Joey asked.

A scream came from the back of the lounge.

"It's Safiya!" Manny called out.

Safiya was grabbing her shoulder, and blood was leaking between her fingers.

"Shit, shit, shit," she whispered through clenched teeth.

"Where did it get you? Are you okay?" Ro asked quickly, wrapping a bandage around the wound.

"Safiya, we need the bullet," Joey said, realizing what they had to do.

"Does... does anyone have any tweezers or anything?" Matthew asked.

"I'll do it," Rosanna volunteered. "Safiya, can you lie on the ground for me?"

Wincing, Safiya did what Ro asked.

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