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Matthew, Safiya, and Rosanna were all thrown into a room of the funhouse.

It was suspiciously empty. The walls were bare, and the only thing in the room was a pedestal with a container and a note.

The Fear Room, a plaque read.

"I feel like this isn't a good sign," Ro remarked, pulling her hat down further.

"Face your fears," Safiya read, holding up the piece of paper. "That's all the note says." She unscrewed the container; inside, there were three white pills.

"Is this cocaine? What the heck?" Matthew asked, kind of laughing, but feeling worry start in his mind.

"I guess we just... swallow them," Safiya said.

"That does not seem like a good idea," Ro replied, fidgeting with her pom-pom drawstrings.

"If we want to complete the room, I think we have to," Matthew said, taking a pill out and handing the tin to Ro.

Safiya looked at the capsule, turning it over in her hands. It looked innocuous enough, no different from aspirin or vitamin C tablets.

But why did the note say 'face your fears'?

Against her better judgment, she swallowed it, and saw Matt and Ro do the same.

Ro didn't feel any different. She breathed a sigh of relief, but then she felt herself falling, and falling, and falling, straight through the floor, landing in a room.

It was completely dark, so dark, in fact, she couldn't even see her own hand in front of her face. "No, no, no," she whispered.

"Matt?" she said, looking around for light, for anything to help her see. "Safiya?"

There was nothing. Her voice echoed through the empty space.

It was so dark.

She could hear her heart thundering in her ears, and she swallowed, hard.

Something crashed in the void around her, and she felt her heart stop for a second.

"HELP!" she screamed. "HELP ME!"

Tears were streaming down her face now, and she crumpled into a ball on the ground, completely alone.


Safiya swallowed her pill, but nothing happened. Maybe it was just a fluke.

But Rosanna went rigid and fell forward, crashing into the dirt.

Her eyes were open, but unblinking. They darted around, but didn't see Safiya or Matthew.

"No... no... no..." she mumbled.

"What's going on?" Matthew asked, looking up at Safiya.

"I don't know," she replied honestly. "But I don't think it's anything good."

"Could it be..." Matthew started saying, but Safiya couldn't hear him anymore.

Everything was dark, but then light slowly ebbed into the edges of her vision.

She was standing in a darkened room, a single fluorescent light illuminating the space.

"Where am I?" she whispered, confused.

A shriek sounded from outside the room, and then an inhuman, guttural noise followed.

Safiya clung to the wall instinctively, biting down on her lip hard and squeezing her eyes shut.

When she opened them again, however, the room was dark, the light gone.

And whatever was outside was getting closer, growling and panting with rage.

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