chapter 15

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Angelica's POV*

"what when did this happen?" I asked. I sat on a seat across Jasmine and Odallys. Jasmine had a light blush on her face and she was smiling brighter than ever before. Odallys was just as eager to find out as much as I was.

"well he took me to a Bring Me The Horizon concert and he had written on a poster if I wanted to be his girlfriend and I said yes!!" She squealed and bit her lip.

I have never seen Jasmine this happy before. I'm glad that Dalton finally made a move on Jasmine. I know that it took him long because Jasmine wanted to take everything slow. I am glad they did and I am glad they are finally together.

"what about you? Has anything interesting happened to you in the last couple of days?"Odallys asked.

I blushed immediately remembering Niall. I am still upset that he used me for a bet. I will never forget that. But I am happy that I forgave him. It's cliche to say that he makes me complete, but he does.

"Well we are together again. I decided to listen to you're advise" I said. She gave me a smile and took a sip of her drink.

"Well if we are going to talk about boys, what about you Missy?" I wiggled my eyebrows. A small blush appeared on Odallys' face.

"What about me?" she asked. Oh girly!

"You know, how are you and Zayn?" I asked.

Jasmine whistled making Odallys slap her arm. She tried hiding her blush by looking down.

"No point in hiding Ody we all know he makes you smile" I said. her cheeks turned a darker shade of pink.

"Yes he does but I'm not going to let him get close to me. I don't want a repetition of what happened with the unnamed. I don't think I would be able to handle another heartbreak. Either way, what guy would want to be with a pregnant girl?" she took another sip of her drink.

"Well you never know what is going to happen so don't close yourself from the world. Maybe Zayn is the person you need to move on" Jasmine said.

I nodded my head in agreement. I know that Zayn is good for her and the fact that he accepted her pregnancy is even better. He can be the one to fix my friend. He can be the one to make the real smile appear on her face.

"Speaking of the devil, look who is coming" I said looking forward. Zayn and Niall were walking toward us, each held shopping bags.

"How do I look?" Odallys whispered.

"You look fine just chew the gum" I said handing her some. She took it and quickly shoved it in her mouth.

I smiled as I watched her walk up to him. He greeted her with a kiss on the cheek. How cute! These two are going to be such a cute couple. I just hope that Zayn can break down the wall that Odallys has built.

"hey baby" Niall whispered in my ear. I was too focused and happy for Odallys I didn't notice Niall walk behind me. He wrapped his arms around me. My lips curled into a smile as his sweet scent hit me.

"Hey" I said turning around. I pecked his lips.

"As much as I am happy for you guys, you guys are being disgustingly mushy and its starting to make my sick" Jasmine spoke. I felt my cheeks begging to heat up.

''Please if Dalton was here you would be the same" I said. Now it's her turn to blush.

''So are we going to just going to stand here like idiots or are we going to go somewhere" Jasmine spoke. Well we do look like idiots.

"I'm taking Angelica to the park" Niall said. When did I agree to this? He grabbed my hand and pulled me toward the exit. He practically shoved me in his car and sped off.

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