Author's Note

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Hi guys, I'm back. I haven't really done some of my stories for a while. But it's important to take some breaks on Wattpad when you have writer's block. Thank goodness that I came back with a healthy mind.

Another reason why I took a break because I don't have a reason to continue my last story which is Safe and Sound but until I find that reason, I'll work on it but also you wrote a story called Demons in his Mind which is an Ambreigns fanfic, it feels like you entered into a depression like Dean's character and you have some terrible, mean,crazy things that's going on with your mind. It feels like you're saddened by it and it can cause an effect on yourself.

I was 16 when I wrote that story and I didn't know what to put in a story like this. Because of that, I fallen to depression too and it was so hard to deal with. I feel absolutely disgusted about what rubbish that I've done to one of my stories. It doesn't matter whether it got good reviews or likes, I felt really saddened by this.

Fast forward to now, I'm 18 and going to college soon and I wanna make sure that I written a fanfic that not only show how Finn's happy with it but it can show you my truth to it. In my latest story, I want to take away the negative feeling and turn it into a positive. I want my fanfic to be a coming of age and pure happiness. That's all I'm gonna say. Thank you to everyone who decided to read whatever I wanna say.  This story will help all of you in one way or another and I'm really excited for this. Thank you.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2018 ⏰

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