No big deal

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•Thusday•2:05 p.m•

I knew as I turned the corner of the block I lived off of it was going to be practically impossible to try and hide the shiner on my right eye.

Of course keepin' my hat down, tipped to the side was an idea. I thought I had a decent chance of gettin' pass Sonny and his guys who stood by the lamp post in front of the bar.

Takin' my shot once it was my time to cross the street, I took a deep breathe before takin' my first step crossin'.

My idea was stupid. I knew that, but you can't blame me for tryin'. I knew once Sonny would see me and my hat suspiciously tilted to the side, he'd say something. I could bet money on it.

Every step I took gettin' closer to that side walk my heart raced. Hearing their voices much clearer, I was nervous for my outcome mostly because I didn't want to be seen. If they got a look at my eye I was going to be a laughin' stock for Sonny and I sure didn't want that.

I would be showin' weakness and that wasn't somethin' Sonny showed. Hell I didn't even know if he'd be pissed that I let a guy do such a thing- but it wasn't my fault!

I had the school jerk off piss on me today unfortunately. Fighting don't come easy when your surrounded by three other guys trying to fuck you five ways from Sunday. Of course Joey gave a few swings and I was on the floor.

I was being kicked and lifted up to be punched again until he was satisfied when he'd seen my blood from my busted lip. I tried to put up a fight, but I couldn't land a hit. Besides it was better to not hit the guy when he was bigger and a lot stronger than me, not to mention he was the school jerk off that everyone feared.

So tryin' not to be seen, I kept my eyes to the ground as I crossed the street, making contact with the sidewalk that's when I began to pick up my pace.

Speed walking just a little when I walked passed the group of guys that were talking to Sonny rather boisterous like usual Italians would.

"Ayeee it's C!"

Damn it, I thought when I just barely passed them only to be called. I reminded myself just to keep walkin' and that they don't see me. Keepin' my back turned to them as I had a goal to get to my home with no confrontation what so ever.

"Hey, C"

Ah, shit. It just had to be Sonny callin'..

I had to stop.. I just had to because I felt like it was necessary even if I didn't want to. Stopping in my tracks I could feel my racing heart thumping inside my chest when I heard them all go silent.

"Come here."

That seemed to be a problem though when I felt my feet stick to the pavement. I then knew I was frozen with fear at those words I dreaded to hear. The very words I wished hadn't been asked because I couldn't show my face.

I had to think of somethin' quick, so I did, but I kept my back to him speaking,

"I can't Sonny I've got homework I have to do."

Hoping Sonny could ease off, I took another step only to be halted to another stop,

"Aye, don't take another step"

Shit, shit, shit.

I squeezed my eyes shut at the demand only hurting my bad eye more makin' it throb in an achy pain. My luck only got worst when I heard footsteps of his walkin' towards me, luckily only his and his only.

My time was runnin' out the closer he got until he was standing right in front of me, hands in his pocket as I kept my eyes to my feet.

"Look at me."

I sighed," Sonny I-

"Don't make me repeat myself"

I didn't want to look up. I heard Sonny speak his mind and I knew better than not to listen to him.

Maybe I took too long to listen when I felt a rough hand of his grab ahold of my chin and lift my head up towards him, doing my job for me.

My eyes met with his stern ones only to see him lookin' pissed at the sight of my face that was sure to lead into interrogation.

"What the fuck" He spoke almost questionably as he reached his other hand up and took my hat off my head to get a better look of my beaten self.

He narrowed his eyes, scrutinizing my bruised eye and glancin' at my busted lip

"What in the actual fuck!" He spat, returning his eyes back into my embarrassed ones when he kept his rough hold on my chin.

"Who fuckin' did this to you?" He demanded, slightly turning my face to the side to see the bruise better before withdrawing his hand off my face and keeping my hat in his hold.

"Who fuckin' did this"

I shrugged, shakin' my head while I tried to think with my mind so jumbled up at the demanding questions.

"I- It was nothin'. I'm fine"

"It was nothin'?" He spat. Maybe I had said the wrong thing when he narrowed his hard eyes at me," don't you fuckin' tell me it's nothin'. You tellin' me you get your ass beat at school, showin' up with a black eye and a busted lip and you tell me your fine?"

I couldn't do anything but stare at the man who was very pissed off and heated at this situation. Angry that I'd been attacked and pissed that I thought it wasn't a big deal..

He cared and that meant a lot to me..

"Get the fuck outta here!" He shouted slightly waving my hat," who put their fuckin' hands on you- and God forbid you don't tell me I swear I'm gonna fuckin' lose it, C."

"It was a guy at my school" I babbled, not able to keep my mouth shut when I heard Sonny speak those words.

He glared at me while I spoke, keeping eye contact," some jerk off nobody likes. He came after me today because I shot my mouth off when I heard him say somethin' bout me" I informed even as he looked disapproving as hell.

"We took it outside. It's fine- I just need to ice up.." I assured watching him keep his hard gaze on me while he pushed my hat into my chest.

"You better not be bullshittin' me"

"I swear" my hand was to God.

We stood in brief silence as he gave me the good ole stare down just to make sure I wasn't lying or hiding anything from him.

"..I better not see you lookin' like this again, you hear me?" Sonny asked, watching me nod rather hastily.

"Don't make it a routine."

Giving my nod, I placed my hat back onto my head," sure thing, Sonny.." Wanting to end things short so I could leave as fast as possible, I dropped my eyes back to the pavement and walked pass Sonny to get to my apartment building.

Shortly to the apartment building entrance I gave a glance back to Sonny to see him looking my way with a unreadable, stern expression written on his face.

That stern look wasn't just any stern look. It held a bit of concern.. Something only I could see that nobody else could.

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