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Third PoV:

" I will put our little friend here in his room and when I back I need a good truthfully explanation to this " their Dad said in deep voice that send a little shivering on their bones or spin then he went to upstairs to put Edge on his bad in his room, it's not the first time to him to take care of one of the two dragons brothers so he keep a room for them, he sigh and get out the room going back to the living room, he saw that two skeletons kids in a new clothes sleeping peacefully on the couch together, on them a little thick blanket that for sure Crystal's job, she always do what she wants.

He turn to see his daughter and his two older sons stand front him looking at the ground, Diego was the oldest one here now, he is 16 years old so he speak in little lowly tone not looking at his Dad " uh-mm so first Ramon find them resting under one of the close barrier trees, he called me to see why they are here, when we met them, Crystal cut our talk with them first but we knows at least their names and then they was injured badly so * Crystal nudge him little to not tell * so Crystal used her magic on one of them cause the other was passed out before met them, and bring them here, then Crystal insisted to change their bloody torn clothes by herself, but they are boys so we do it after of course bandage them, because you know how she become annoying until she get what she want * glance at Crystal * "

Their Dad sigh and glance at the two sleepy kids on the couch then said softly " * put his hand on Diego shoulder * it's alright son, you all do the right thing * look at Crystal * and my sweet daughter, me and you will have some talk later, now let me see how our new guest feel, by the way what their names? ", they all look up at their Dad who give them a kind smile tell them he not angry, Ramon told their Dad about their name pointing toward the two sleepy skeletons.

When their Dad heard that the scarfed skeleton is a vampire he give his daughter and his two older sons soft pat on the head then walk toward the couch to kneel down beside it, and touch the forehead of the scarfed skeleton for some reason he was griping to his scarf tightly so no one can remove it, their Dad saw his fangs and then he move his hand to become above Goth's chest make his soul come, his soul was in very weak state, their Dad knew what the problem, Goth did not drink blood for a very long time and in someone in his age and a vampire that make his soul weaken every minutes.

Then their Dad make Goth's soul back and ask for a knife, they look at him confused, he look at his children and say calmly " he need a fresh blood to drink or his state will become worst than now ", Diego refuse and said " Are you going to hurt yourself?, cause that not going to happened Dad, you know what happen last time ", their Dad sigh and said softly knowing how Diego and the others feel about this but he have to do it " Diego, I promise you that nothing will be like that time, he need blood or he will die, and you will not let someone die knowing that you can save him .. right? ".

Diego sigh in defeat, he know his Dad is right about this, so he said in little annoying tone " right, I'll bring the knife " so he went to the kitchen and bring one and give it to their Dad, then their Dad rolled his right sleeve up and make a cut on his bony arm, letting the blood comes out, Goth sniff the blood and wake up hungry, very hungry, his eyes sharp and full with pure bloodlust and hunger, he doesn't even care where he was or what happen to his best friend.

He gripped the bleeding bony arm and bite it to suck the blood from it, their Dad did not flinch or give expression of pain, he put his other hand on Goth's skull pat it, he knows how hardly that was on the poor kid to travel without drinking any blood that will make any vampire going crazy for sure.

Diego who was looking at the scene want deeply remove Goth away from his Dad's arm cause been a 10 minutes and Goth still did not stop drink the blood, Ramon was okay with it, it's not the first time their Dad do it for sake them or who need help from the vampires' kind, Crystal try to clam Diego to not attack the poor kid.

Their Dad clear his throat and said calmly when he turn his head to his children see them look at the scene uncomfortable way "you don't have to stay here looking at this, so Diego go bring the others back to home the sun will come out in hour, Crystal and Ramon go and order one of the room to those kids .. alright? ", they all say ' okay ' and left the living room.

When Goth stop drink the blood feeling so satisfied and his soul beaten calmly full with magic and healthy again, he pulled away from the strange arm that he bite it, then Goth blinked few times to cleared his sight, he look at what was front him in shock and backed away on the couch with fear rise inside him.

Who Goth consider him a stranger did not do anything, but then when he saw the kid begin trembling, he reach his hand out toward Goth to calm him down, but Goth flinch and his mind felled with the memories from his little time with mythic hunters and begin having a panic attack, the stranger stops and make his hand away from Goth when he saw that.

The stranger thinks about Goth's actions knowing that from something happen before his children bring Goth and Palette here, so he gives a soft humming with a green magic felled the living room make Goth calm down and fall back to sleep on the couch and his head resting on Palette's shoulder.


Words: 1112

Author_Gen~ OUT

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