Just the beginning

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Looking up, I see Lord Atton crying. "I'm sorry that happened to you, Alura. Nobody should have to go through that."

I wipe a tear from my cheek. "Don't feel sorry for me. I got them all killed because I thought I could outsmart Lady Naluin. I should've known better." I down the rest of my tea and smirk at Lord Atton. "Do you have anything stronger than this?"

He chuckles. "Unfortunately, I don't." He pours me some more tea. "What happened after you were thrown into the dungeons?"

"I hadn't seen another person in weeks, maybe months. When my cell door did open, I was completely surprised by who walked through."


My cell door opens and a male siren walks in. He's got long black hair that's cut short on one side. He has white tattoos under his yellow-gold eyes and up the bridge of his nose. His muscles threaten to burst out of his shirt at any moment. I haven't seen him in so long, I barely recognize him. "Neiro?!" I run forward, throwing my arms around him and he wraps me in a tight hug.

"Alura, I thought I would never see you again."

I pull away from him and look into his eyes. "You have to help me get out of here. I don't know what she's going to do to me and I'm so scared, Neiro."

"Alura..." Neiro crosses his arms and sits on the wooden bench by my cell door. "I don't know if I can help you. I'm her personal bodyguard. She keeps a very close eye on me."

Sitting next to him, I lower my voice. "You don't have to do anything more than 'accidentally' leave the door unlocked when you leave. Tell her we had a fight or something! Make her believe you wouldn't help me escape. That way, if she catches me, you won't have to get involved." Neiro looks at me, doubtful. "Neiro, you don't know me like you used to. I've learned how to sneak around in broad daylight without being caught. Me and the other orphans would have been able to escape if Ilixus hadn't said anything." Neiro stands and starts pacing.

I stand and put my hand on his shoulder, turning him to face me. "Neiro, I promise I won't get caught. I'll leave after nightfall. The guards just slip my food through the hole in the bottom of the door. They won't even know it's unlocked. After I'm out of here, I'm going to get as far away from here as I can. I'm going inland." I smile up at him. "You can come find me when you get tired of working for that bitch." Neiro grins.

"I'm sad that we couldn't have more time together. I've missed you and mom every day. Speaking of, how is our mother? Does she know you've been getting into trouble?" He's still smiling. He doesn't know?

"...She didn't tell you?"

"Tell me what?"

"Our mother came here the week after you were taken. She tried to get you back and was 'found' dead outside the city." I look into his eyes. He really didn't know. His smile disappears and his eyes grow cold. "Neiro, I'm sorry."

"It's not your fault." He turns to leave and pauses, his hand on the door. "You better get out of here alive. I need you when the time comes to knock this bitch off her throne." With that, he leaves. All I have to do now is wait for nightfall.


"Is your brother still there?" Lord Atton leans forward.

"As far as I know. That's the last time I saw him. When night came, I escaped from my cell. On my way out, I came across her treasure room. Thought I would take some gold so I could get myself as far away from her as possible, but instead of gold I found this." I pull out a velvet bag and open it. A bright, blue light shines from within. "I don't know what it is, but since it was the only thing in the treasure room, I thought it was important." I put the bag back in my pack and set my tea cup down. "Anyway, I think I lost the guards who were chasing me, but I'm not sure. That's why I was trying to get to the next big town. It might be easier for me to hide in a city with thousands of people who come and go instead of a small town with very few visitors."

Lord Atton nods. "Understandable. But this town is so small, we're all friends. And I have a few friends who might be willing to take you in." He grins. "I'm sure you're familiar with them. They're a group called 'The Wild Geese'."

Hey guys, dont forget to like and comment! If you like my short story, make sure to follow me so you can read my new stories as they come out.

Keep an eye out for Aluras next adventure! The first part will be posted in 2 weeks.

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