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Natalieupdates: Natalie and Ariana leaving from a restaurant tonight!

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Natalieupdates: Natalie and Ariana leaving from a restaurant tonight!

- Liked by 1dandLM, Nataliethebaddie, and 89,389,000 others

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AriandNat: Ariana is such a good friend 💛

Nataliethebaddie: Ariana is literally taking care of her and making sure she's happy..

1Dishome: I wonder if Natalie is still hurting

NatandLou: ofc she is... she loved louis so much @1Dishome

1dcomebackalready: Natalie deserves better 😒

IconicNiall: Alexa play little black dress

Slayariana: Ariana is such a great person and I love her even more because of that

Liambless: if Natalie doesn't wanna be in the public eye why tf is she friends with celebrities

Wydpayno: you sound so dumb right now @liambless

Liambless: How? @wydpayno

Wydpayno: First of all Natalie has been in the public eye when she dated Justin Bieber. And second she could be friends with anyone she wants.. doesn't matter if they famous or not and the reason why she's constantly in the public eye is because people won't give her fucking privacy nor her celebrity friends privacy

Styleitupharry: ^ preach it girl

Ewnatalie: she knows her friends that are famous will never get privacy ... @wydpayno

Wydpayno: y'all are just dumb 😂😂👌 I'm off this

Irishhoran: Natalie has gone through so much shit. She's gone through hate and still is, now she dealing with people constantly bringing up about Louis cheating on her. That's embarrassing for her!

Gotommogo: this girl just needs a break from the media ..

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