Chapter 36: The Watch

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After Jimin thought she had enough, he knelt down, and grabbed her throat tightly to where she couldn't breath.

"You better pray to god that Tae remembers everything within a week. Each and every day that passes and he doesn't remember who we are and where he is, things are only going to get worse for you. Worthless bitch."

Yoongi raised his eyebrows while looking at the woman's face, seeing nothing but the thick red liquid covering her skin and watched it drop down her neck and chest, but as he looked at the young man that was the cause of it, he saw that his clothing was drenched in the blood as well.

"Jimin, make sure you take off your shoes and pants and stuff so none of that gets upstairs."

"I know. Let's go up to see Tae right now actually, tomorrow I'll deal with her."


Several hours later, Jungkook was called into work after multiple employees began to mess around, thinking it would be ok since he wasn't there, completely forgetting he had secretaries that gave him knowledge of when something didn't go right, and he took Yoongi with him, since he still didn't trust him alone with the two boys. Jimin was making use of his time, non stop trying to make Tae remember him, he was taking him around the house, showing him everything that might possibly strike his memory but nothing happened until he saw a watch on Jungkook's dresser.

"Jimin, what's that?"

"That's your watch, your dad gave it to you before he died."

"From cancer?"

"Yeah, but he really lov...wait, wait wait, you remembered that?"

"I don't know."

"Tae, you remembered that! Oh my god, Jungkook, he remembered something!"

"He's not even here," Tae said, looking around in confusion.

"No, there's cameras TaeTae, if he has his phone on, he can hear me. Let's see if you remember anything else, ummmm....oh, this?"

He held up one of Tae's favorite items from Jungkook's room and the younger looked at it for a few seconds, knowing he knew it but he couldn't necessarily remember it.

"No, Jimin I'm sorry."

"I'll check again tomorrow then. Let's see, what else did you like here..."

"I want Jennie."

"Sorry Tae, you cant have her."

Taehyung sat on the bed, pouting but his eyes accidentally fell on Jimin's wrist, seeing the exact same bracelet that he had on his own.

"Hey, we match."

"What do you mean?"

"The bracelets."

Jimin looked down at him, completely forgetting about it and he immediately went up to him, turning it so Tae could see the name.

"Look, more proof that we are friends. It's your name and you have my name."

Taehyung read Jimin's bracelet, then his own and looked up at the older with confusion all over his face.

"I guess you're right. God, I wish I could remember, I'm so sorry."

"No, TaeTae just please believe me ok? That's all I want right now is for you to trust what I tell you."

"I can try."

"Listen, Jennie is the one behind all this. She kidnapped you from Jungkook when he took you to the store, and she drugged you so your memories would go away. That happened over 3 months ago, that scar on Jungkook's arm was from him trying to pull you out of the car. He broke the window, and the glass caught onto him as she sped off and cut him from the crease of his elbow all the way down to his wrist. That black Corvette that she still, stupidly has, is his. Well actually it's technically mine because he gave it to me a while ago, but that's besides the point. He tried to save you and this entire time he has been blaming himself for your disappearance."

Tae stared at him, not knowing what to say.

"What are we to Jungkook?"

"We started off as neighbors with him down in Seoul, but we became very close friends, and after a little while, he uh...brought us here to live with him."

"No, what are we to him, I mean. He keeps calling me baby and stuff, and every time I tell him not to, he says I'm his and he gets sad."

"We are his. Just think of it like we are both dating him I guess, it would be hard to explain it without making things sound weird."

"So...what are you and I then?"

"Best friends."

"So you and I don't do anything together then?"

"Well we have a couple times but...god how do I explain this, umm...let's put it this way I guess. Jungkook is like the boss here. Whatever he says goes. You and I don't have any attraction towards each other, but we have done sexual things because of threesomes and a one time foursome but we did it mainly to make Jungkook happy."

"So I'm gay?"

"You actually admitted to being gay for Jungkook a while back, but before him you were completely straight."

"So I'm bi then?"

"I guess."

"Oh...but you and I have no attraction towards each other, you said?"


"What things did we do together then so it wouldn't be awkward between us?"

Jimin clicked his tongue, wondering how in the hell he would explain this without it sounding weird, or make Tae think Jungkook was a bad guy.

"I don't really know how to say it Tae, but things were never awkward between us."

"I just want to remember. I hate this because you really seem like you're telling the truth, and the pictures and everything prove that we know each other."

"I want you to remember too TaeTae. When Jungkook gets home, maybe we can do a little 'activity' that we did quite a bit and that might help."

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