I meet Jenna Marbles

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I'm walking in town when I bump into someone.

"Sorry." I mumble.

"It's alright." The person says.

I look up.

"Jenna Marbles?!" I say shocked.

"Yes it's me." she says.

"Hey who's this?" Someone says.

It's RayWilliamJohnson.

"Uh I gotta go." I say walking away nervous.

I'm at home in my room watching Equals Three.

I look for something in my bag.

"Shit! I lost it! Oh crap!" I say.

I get a call.

"Hello?" I answer the phone.

"Hey It's Jenna I never got your name." She says.

"Oh It's Harley." I say nervous.

"Harley huh well someone wants to talk to ya." She says.

"Hey Why'd you run off like that?" A voice on the other end asks.

"I'm shy Sorry. That's all I'm just really shy." I say.

I am holding in a scream of excitement.

It's RayWilliamJohnson who's on the other end of the call.

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