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I walk down the crowded hallway of Eastwood high. I swiftly weave myself in between people as I try to make my way down the hall to where my friends are.

As I go to move I between two people someone bumps me and knocks my books (That I was previously caring) onto the floor. Sighing I bend down to pick them up. But right as I touch a book a hand touches mine.

I look up to see Blake, the quarterback for my school's football team. Blake has everything you would expect a quarter backer would have. With his bright blue eyes, short styled brown hair, amazing amounts of muscles on his arms, an jaw that looks to good to be true. He was, hands down, a stunner. It's not really a shocker that he has most girls falling to his knees.

As I go to reach for my books a hand meets mine.

"Oh, sorry" Blake mutters as he rectracs his hand.

I quickly grab my books and walk away not bothering to look back at him.


"What do you mean you just walked away?" my best friend Joey shrieks when I tell him the news over the phone that night.

"I panicked okay! I'm not like you smooth with the guys!" I say raising my hands (more like hand and three fingers due to the phone)

Joey, if you have not picked up is gay....very gay. That type if gay that once you see the guy you know he's gay. He just admits this aura that's like "I'm gay, and I'm proud" he like to express it as much as he can. Honestly I love this guy to death but you can only go so much about hating about how some celebrity's but is like sculpted by god. (Lately it's bin this dude from a band called One Direction....Louis or Lewis.)

"Well then, I really need to teach you my ways then" He replies all sassy.

"Woah calm down there dude, I was stating the truth" I say roiling my eyes at him.

"Lia Marie Summers! Don't you dare rook your eyes at me!" Joey yelps at me through the speakers. I go to roll my eyes when, I start to hear Joey starting to complain about something.

"No! Don't you dare, stop!"

"Joey..... Are you alright?" I ask eyebrow raising.

"Uh- yah! yah I tot-taly a-am! stop it babe I'm on the phone, wait a few- oh wow.. Umm I'ma have to all you back Lia, bye."

I sigh as I hear the click at the end of the line.


"Had fun last night?" I ask Joey as I get in his car on our way to school.

"Yes I did thank you very much" He says as a light blush makes it's way onto his checks.

"He couldn't wait until we were done talking? Really?" I huff turing my head so I'm looking out the window.

"Oh, shut it" He says and we stay in silence not talking only the faint humming of the car can be heard.


"Okay there he is, all you have to do is walk up to him and say hi, okay?"

"Yah, okay" I open the door and head out in the direction Blake is.

"Hey, Blake what's up?" Really what's up? I scold myself.

"Oh hey Lia, and not much."

"Okay then" I awkwardly reply. I go to pushy glasses up when Blake freezes and grabs my arm. I go wide eye and I see that he is to. He bends down and whispers in my ear.

"I'll meet you at your locker at fourth" And with that he walls away.

I'm left to think about what was so wrong then I realize that I showed him my marking woken I went to fix my glasses.


So.... First chapter.

It's not edited so bear with me 😛

I tried to make it a long ish chapter.

-Khloe_ Xoxo

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