A Second Night Fury

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I was soaring through the skies with Hiccup. He's my best friend, even though he made me unable to fly with real tail fins the day he shot me down with a bolas. We flew through a cloud. I love flying through clouds, because then I can feel it in my mouth. I know it sounds weird, but it actually tastes good.

We flew over the cove. I love flying over the cove too. It reminds me when I first met Hiccup. Then I heard a dragon call, and I automatically growled, sensing something. 


"Whoa!" said Hiccup. He knows a lot about dragon calls. "That sounds a lot like a...Night Fury.

I roared in suprise. I never thought it would be possible, another Night Fury....

I tried to fly down to the cove, but Hiccup had control of my tail, and thus my flying. He made me pull up and said, "Whoa bud, you do realise that there's a wild Night Fury down there? I don't think he'd hurt you, but he would kill me!"

The joy I had of  having a chance of meeting another Night Fury left me, and my pupils turned to slits. They always do when I'm protecting Hiccup. We flew over the cove.

I can still glide, so I glided in, leaving Hiccup on top. It was quite a big risk- for me. I couldn't fly without Hiccup, so if a wild dragon took him or something, I would be too late. I can climb the cove if I need to protect him, I thought, thinking back of the time when I saved Hiccup from a Monstrous Nightmare.

I heard growling behind me- I had been daydreaming too loud. Behind me was the Night Fury, and it pinned me down. It raised its wings and bared its teeth in exactly the same way I did when I pinned Hiccup down when he cut my ropes. But the Night Fury was smaller than me, and was violet-blue in color. Without thinking, I shouted "Wait!!" to the dragon. "Why should I?" growled the Night Fury. "Another dragon in my territory, I should kill you!" I felt my pupils turned to splits again. I quickly changed them back. "Because.." the dragon kept pinning my neck harder, "I'm....a....Night.....Fury!" The dragon stopped. "Really?" "Yes!" I said. The dragon let go of me, and I stepped into the moonlight. "And your a boy!" shouted the Night Fury, revealing that she was a girl.

She stepped closer to me. "So, what's your name?" she asked. "I'm Toothless", I said. "I'm Nightshade", said the Night Fury.

The Night Fury GenerationWhere stories live. Discover now