Chapter 21

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The boys
When Cassandra told us that she was pregnant I couldn't believe it we are going to meet dad for the first time yes I know the fans are going to be excited some of them are going to be me towards her but we just have to stand by her and of course we're going to be there no matter what we love this girl

E do you mind if me and Grayson do something

Me I don't mind at all what is

G Do us a favour Lay down

Me okey as I Lay down

They both got on to the bad
And left it out of my top and I knew right then and there what they were about to do Ethan went first

E hey buddy it's your dad here your mom just told is the biggest news and I'm excited to meet you I love you and I will always be there for you I promise he said kissing my little baby bump

Next was Grayson was next

G Hey man little princess it's your dad here I just want to tell you that your mom told me and your dad Ethan the biggest news ever and I cannot wait to hold you and cuddle you remember Daddy  is always gonna be here for you I love you
He said kissing my little baby bump

You guys are going to be the most amazing dad ever I am so proud of you guys but I'm still crying I don't know if this is hormones but all I can say is I love you guys

G we love u too mommy to

E I can't believe you're pregnant

G Yeah like is this a prank or something to get us back for scaring you last night

E yeah is this a prank

Me no goofballs I am really pregnant
Trust me you you guys I'm gonna get you all back  you just wait

G OK OK if you say so

Me Are you sure you guys are gonna be OK about being dads first time

G/E I mean yeah were kind of nervous but all parents are we're going to be there for you well be there holding your hand trust us

Me yeah what about your fans how are we going  to tell them The news

E that's a good point Look Cassie we are not going to tell them as of yet we're just gonna wait a little bit we just have to hide it from little while

G we just can't send out any photos or tell them anything yes I know it's gonna hurt them a little bit but I mean they're not gonna really notice

E trust us right now we're not gonna post any photos about this situation this is between you me and Gray

Me guys were going to have to tell them
eventually I'm going to start showing a couple months and they're going to be like what's wrong with Cassie and then they're going to start wondering

G/E that's true when do you think we should tell them

Me well we should tell him possibly at three months because one month to months is the Risky kind  of months so Well tell them about three months or so

E deal that sound good

G deal for sure

Me good

G hey I have an idea why don't we try to guess what the gender

E that's a good idea

Me Great idea what do you think it is gray

G I think I wanna princess so I think girl

E I want a football player so I wanna boy 

G/E Mommy  to be what do you think

Me sometimes I feel I want to girl but sometimes I feel like I wanna boy so I'm thinking girl  but as long as it's healthy and healthy I won't care

(They both nodded)

Me do you guys wanna watch a movie or something

G/E yeah sure anything Is there anything we can get you

Me no as long as you guys are here I don't care 

The boy It's been a long day full of surprises I just cannot wait to tell everybody the news this is like a dream I mean yeah we're 18 years old but were mature enough to handle this amazing thing that's about to come to our lives watching a lot of movies and then we wrote something on Twitter don't worry we didn't say anything yet

It's been an emotional but happiest day I cannot wait to tell you guys COMING SOON 🙈♥️

Something is coming very soon can't wait to tell you guys Me Ethan & Cassie exciting news 🙉♥️

We cannot wait to tell you guys what's happening in 2018 hmmm 🤔 🙊💕

People were guessing a lot of stuff for example
All three of us going on Tour
Us making a book
New clothing line
Do we have girlfriends/boyfriends
Is Cassie pregnant
That one shocked as the most After all the likes & comments we it up going to sleep Cassie was lying strain on her back while me and gray our hands on her stomach 👼🏼✨

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