Chapter 8: Older Sister Returns and Leaving for Dream

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The next day, Colden was moving left and right in his bed. He suddenly woke up and saw a beam of sunlight emanating from between the curtains. He sat up in his bed and cupped his forehead with his hand like he was having a bad headache. Everything was silent and he suddenly heard Lupimars's song. Looking at the curtains, he saw his imprinter, still hearing the song. Shaking his head, he saw that the Faunus was gone. He wasn't there. 'It means great love for some, but for others, it can be dangerous. Obsession; a drug, something that the listener needs ,' he remembered. "I-It's something I need. God, I can't get over this. This is gonna be torture."

He got out of bed and headed towards the shower. The warm water hit his body, letting out a sigh of relieve. He grabbed the soap and lathered it over his body. While he massaged his body, he thought of his Lupimars. The wolf's sexy voice, his hot body defined with hard pecs and abs, feeling the defined hills of muscle. Traveling down, feeling his waist and down to his bush of pubic hair and traveling further-. Colden quickly snapped out of it. He felt a hardness from the waist down. Looking down his saw his cock rock hard, having no pubic hair above it.

After finishing his shower, he donned on his white colored clothing. Looking at down at his wrists, he rolled up his sleeve and saw the scars. He thought it was silly to cut himself. If he committed suicide, he wouldn't have met his lil puppy Faunus.

Opening his curtains to let the light in, he flinched at the burn of the bright light. Now getting used to the light, he saw an airship. The airframe consists of a main fuselage, which contains the cockpit and passenger compartment, and four nacelles which are arranged diagonally opposite one another in a roughly X-shaped configuration. Four long blue ribbons or banners are attached to each nacelle and stream out behind the aircraft. There are also two smaller wings located just behind the upper nacelles. Passengers board and disembark from a ramp that extends down from a hatch at the aft section of the main compartment. the airship appears to lack external engines and possibly stays airborne by means of Kristal or other technology.

He got excited because he knew who was in the airship. He saw it was about to land near his home and got even more excited. He ran out the his room and towards the front door. He slowed down when he saw his sister and father waiting outside with the door open. Walking up next to them, he saw James with his older sister and two Atlas soldiers and two Atlesian Knight-130. They walked up to the three. "Hello, James, Winter," said Jacques. "Hello, Jacques. Are you ready to talk about the Schnee Company?" James asked. "Yes." "Alright, then," said James. The two adults walked inside with the two soldiers while Winter walked towards the dining room with Eira, Colden, and the two AK-130s.

At the dining room, the three siblings were having a conversation about their life while sipping tea. After a few minutes, Eira was called to join her father in his study with James. "So, Colden how is life here?" Winter asked. "It's good," he replied, lying. "I know when you're lying. It's awful here, isn't it?" she asked. "Yes, it is," Colden admitted. "I told father that I wanted to be a Huntsman, but he disapproves it." "If you want to be a Huntsman, then why don't you join Atlas Academy?" "I actually don't want to go to Atlas Academy. I don't want to stay in Atlas. I want to leave," he replied. "Well, what about Beacon Academy? I bet they will allow a Schnee enter," Winter said. "Yes. I should go to Beacon," said Colden. "Well, you're going to have to tell father that you're leaving," she said. "What? I can't. He'll get mad." "Yes, you can. You just have to be assertive. Show him that this is what you want. Show him that you're not afraid of him and that you're not taking 'no' for an answer. "Like you did?" Colden asked. "Yes," she said. "Ok."

Jacques, Eira, and James walked into the room. "Winter, it's time to go," James said. "Yes, sir," she saluted. "But first, Colden has something to say to father." "What is it, Colden?" he asked. "Father," Colden started. He looked at Winter who gave him a nod. "I-I want to leave. I want to attend Beacon Academy and become a Huntsman," he finally said. "What?" Jacques was infuriated. "Why on Earth would want to do that?" Colden turned to Winter again and the same thing happened. "Look, father, this is what I want and I will become a Huntsman," he asserted. "Look, I don't give a-," Jacques was cut off by James. "Jacques, let Colden do what he wants." "No, he is my child and he'll do what I say," he said. "If you want to be like that, then Colden, go pack and I'll take you to Beacon," James said. "Really?" Colden asked, receiving a nod from the man. "Thank you." He left to his room. Colden heard arguing as it fades when he got closer to his room.

"Lupus, I'm finally going 2 Beacon," Colden texted. "I'm proud of u, baby," the wolf texted back. "I'm so happy. I'm gonna miss u," texted the human. "I'm gonna miss u 2. We're not gonna see each other." "I know. Maybe we can visit each other?" "I like that. If I find the time, I'll visit u at Beacon," texted the wolf. "Ok. I'll see u soon. Tell the others I said bye." "Ok. See u soon, Snow Angel." It broke Colden's heart that he won't be seeing his wolf lover for a long time. He'll remember the times they spent together.

Few minutes passed, and Winter and James waited for Colden. Eira and Klein were also waiting to say goodbye to him. Soon, Colden walks walks up to them with a suitcase and a case with his rapier and Kristal viles inside. He hugged Klein and Eria until finally leaving with his older sister and James. They bordered the airship and flew away.
After a few days, Colden and Winter were at an arena. "Beacon will allow 17 year old students to attend, and you're only 16 year olds. Until you're of age, we have to prepare you so you are worthy of being submitted into the school," said Winter. "Now, take you're position, soldiers." The soldiers took their position to train Colden. He took his tance; holding his rapier in his left hand with his left arm across his chest, sword pointing at his opponents. "Remember what I've taught you back home, Colden," Winter said. "Ready, begin!" The soldiers charged at Colden, and he did so, too.
On a cliffside on an island called Patch, located of the coast of Vale, a young boy wearing a red hooded cape stands in front of a gravestone. Somewhere on the streets of Vale, a girl with gold blonde hair is riding her yellow motorcycle. At a base camp of the White Fang, a girl with black hair and a bow on top of her head is standing next a Faunus with bull horns, red and black hair, talking about their next riot.

White is cold and always yearning, burdened by a royal test.

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