File #1

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The following piece of parchment was found in the bowels of Twilight Hold. The parchment was found in the grasp of a decomposed corpse, pinned by rubble. Most of the parchment was lost to time and moisture. Keeper knows how long it has been there.

-Brother Illias Summerson

"...nd i am sure i lost that thing. bollio the poor sod did not stand a chance. that thing did im good with that metal wand it had. right afore me eyes bollio turn to ash. no a scream heard from bollio no a sigh or a word. just mist. bollio mist. i could not move that thing staring a me with its big black eyes. i could o swore i could feel the presence o the render in im. nd that wand it eld it almost turn me and to dust but i always be faster that the local boys. i just wish we ad gone for the treasure in the ashlands. i rather face skellies than atever that skinny gray thing was. it ad no mouth no nose. o keepers cage may i be kept safe o the renders grasp. i kno that thing is out there stalking. i ill be safe in this hideyhole. the keeper ill keep me. me faith nd me knives is all i ave left. come sunrise i ill dash to the surface. it ill be just a couple o floors. i do not want to die. isiris awaits er man with the goods. i swear i ill be a good usband to er if i..."  

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2018 ⏰

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