One way or another i'm gonna find you

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(Gabe POV)

We tracked her com to a base that was in the middle of nowhere. Me and some soldiers set up camp a ways away and i want to go attack but Jack says we have to wait until morning. I couldn't sleep that well but i fell asleep for about 5 hours then Jack woke me up. It was time. I got my gear on and grabbed my guns. Then we headed out. I'm coming for you Angela i promise we will get you back.

(Angela POV)

I look at him and he empty's the water in my tank then lets me out. I fall cause i feel so weak.  He caught me and dragged me onto a hospital bed. He tied up my legs and arms. Then i look at him "why". "oh Angie i love you but i'm gonna make you something that can actually benefit me".Next thing i know he stabs a syringe in my chest and i can't breathe. I gasp for air but i can't and i black out. I wake up and i'm tied to a wall. I look at my hands thing is there not hands there paws. I look at my body i realize that i'm a big wolf. I'm in so much pain and i feel angry. My brother enter the room and for some reason i want to kill him. I charge at him teeth out and i'm growling. "Angela calm down i didn't do this to you". I bark at him realizing i can't talk. "or did i". I charge at him again and again unable to calm myself down. "your mine". He pushes a button and it shocks me. I whimper. "follow me and obey me then i won't hurt you". He unlocks me and leads me outside and i hear an alarm and then i see Gabe and Jack. For some reason i want to murder everyone in my sight. "Hello Gabe, Jack how are you". I pull on my leash and i have foam and spit forming on my mouth. I can't control myself. "Where is Angela!" Gabe yells. "I don't know but your welcome to try to look".  "Don't BULLSHIT ME!". My brother smiles. "i love seeing you mad". I couldn't take it anymore i charged forward with all my might and the chain leash broke and i went running straight at Jack. I jumped at him and he fell. Gabe kicks me off him and points his gun at me. I remembered all the memories and i looked at Gabe. He didn't know it was me. I see my brother pointing a gun at Gabe i takle Gabe and then two shots go off. I didn't get hit but one cut my shoulder. I look at Gabe and he looks okay. I regain control of my body and look at my brother i run at him. He shocks me but i keep going until he fires a shot at me. It hits me in my leg but i keep running and takle him. He pulls out a knife and slices me across the face. Then he kicks me into a wall and i hear something crack. I feel a sharp pain in my shoulder and before i get up he repeatedly kicked me. I felt light headed then i saw my mother and fathers spirit. My brother shoots at Jack and Gabe. Then Gabe and Jack shoot back and fourth missing most shots. I see one hit Gabe and then Jack. My brother walks towards them not getting hit even once. I look at my parents. "what do i do". "Angela you can undo for a short time what hes done to you". "But how". "you must use all your strength and will to try to transform somewhat human". "okay". I think of Gabe and all the moments we've had then i think of Elijah i have to protect them from any threats because there my new family. I feel a surge of energy in my body and my body turns human. Or mostly human i still have my claws,some hair,my sharp wolf teeth and one of my eyes. My brother was close to Gabe and Jack when i jumped on him and he tried getting me off but i hung on tight. Then he pulled out his gun and shot me in my abdomen. I still didn't let go but then he grabbed me and flung me. I broke through a wall and landed on a table breaking it. I felt pain everywhere and i could barley see. I hear gunshots until i hear two people enter and pick me up. I open my eyes and i look to my left it was Gabe and on my right was Jack. They were carrying me out of the building. Jack stops holding me to shoot at some guards. Gabe helps me run. My leg gives out and i notice why it was a paw again i was returning to my wolf form. I look at Gabe and he picks me up bridal style and runs outside onto a ship then Jack comes on board and pilots the ship. I start closing my eyes. "Angela stay with me". I look at him then i feel a sharp pain and i cough up blood. He patches me up. My hand turns into a paw and i look at Gabe with worry. "it will be okay Angie". He hugs me and i fall asleep. 

(Gabe POV)

I bring Angela inside and the doctors try to help her but they've never worked with something like this. I worry a doctor comes out and patches up my shoulder and leg. Then i just wait and a doctor comes out. "Gabe". I look up at him. "How is she doc". "We managed switch her back she hadn't been this way for that long". "Can i see her". "of course". I walk in and she has a oxygen tube down her throat. I look at her shes so pale. I look at her and eventually fall asleep. 

(A month passes)

A month has passed and Angela still hasn't woke up. I bring her flowers and Elijah almost everyday. Everyone stops by and sees her. Some even bring gifts and more flowers. I go into her room and replace the flowers i brought her. I hold her hand and pray. I sit there for about an hour then right as i was about to leave she closed her hand on mine. I looked at her and smiled. She was awake. 

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