I was going out with this boy Jamie.
We were together for about a year and a half when he was diagnosed with leukemia.
He would always say "It's ok Kacey. I'll still love you. Always and forever. To the Moon and back."
About two months later Jamie was out in the hospital because he was complaining about his stomach.
They did some xrays and say that he had a tumor in the outlining of his stomach and that it was spreading to his heart.
They said he only had about a week to live.
I stayed with him everyday.
He would say " I know that I don't have much time with you left but you'll be okay. I'll still love you to the moon and back. "
On the day they expected him to die he was laying in bed so weak and so pale.
He looked to me and said "Kacey, you have been so strong through out this whole process. I feel so bad for putting you through this. I wish that they could have found a cure for what I have so I could have more time with you but I know that sometimes life doesnt work like that. But just know that everytime your sad or upset just know that I'll be there watching over you. I'll always love you to the moon and back."
After he finished saying that he flatlined.
He used his last words to tell me how much I meant to him.
I broke down on the floor and cried for hours. Even when the doctors had to remove me from the room. I just went home and cried some more.
That moment will forever alter my life.
I never got to tell him how much I loved him either.