Jimin FF 'Alone'

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You wake up to your alarm sound...
You get up and take a shower for school,
When you get out of the shower you straighten your hair after it is dry,
You pick an outfit

You get up and take a shower for school,When you get out of the shower you straighten your hair after it is dry,You pick an outfit

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You sigh as you don't find yourself beautiful at all..
You grab an apple out of your fruit bowl and head to school while eating it,
On your way to school someone called out you name.....Oh no it's Jungkook the biggest bully in school I was scared of him, so I turned and awnser...
Y/n: y-yes?
Jk: you little nerd look at you!! So skinny!! Eat something for once!!!
He pushed you
This is what you would hear everyday after jimin left, he used to always be your savior,
Jk: huh?! Awnser me!!! Aren't you gonna say something nerd!!!
You gather some confidence...And strength, and say
Y/n: why did you pushed me?!!!
Jk was a little shocked, but he slightly smirked
Jk: did you just raise your voice at me?
At this point you were regretting doing that....then you remember what jimin said


Namjoon had pushed you into the locker yelling at you,
You ran to the bathroom, as someone knocked
Jimin: y/n-ah?
Y/n: *sniff* jimin!!!
You come out and hug him tightly
Jimin: it's okay....remember the things they say, aren't true, and you are more then what they say to you! *jimin gives you a bright smile*
Y/n: thank you jimin-ah!
You give him another tight hug


You looked up at jungkook
Y/n: why do you bully me?
Jk: excuse me?
Y/n: I said! Why do you bully me?!!!
Jk: because your an ugly nerd!!!
You remember Jimin's words again...
Y/n: your just talking about yourself!

Slapped him

You then held your hand not believing what you just did
Jk looked angry
He punched you making you fall to the ground
He walked away
Your lip was bleeding and your legs felt weak..
You cried softly...wishing jimin was there to comfort you...but he left you...so it is obvious he does not want to be friends at all
Y/n: stupid y/n! Forget about jimin....
You stood up and walked the rest of way to school,
You want down the hall as people stare at you with disgust,
You try ignoring it and holding your tears back..
You rush to your locker..
You grabs your books and rush to class but someone tripped you making you fall, the whole hall laughed,
You just sat there looking down as a tear dripped off your face..
You got up and walked to class wiping your tears,
You sat in your seat just to get a paper ball thrown at you,
You unctumble it and the words written on it were "Kill yourself, nobody wants you here!"
Your eyes tear up as you thought that the person was right...it is clear that nobody likes you...
The teacher walks in so people stop throwing paper balls,
Teacher: hello class, today we are going to have a project....
*time skip after class*
You walk to the lunch room
Grabbing your lunch you sit alone..
Someone who did not loom familiar to you came up to you
???: can I sit here with you? *they gave you a big smile*
Y/n: why would you want to sit with a ugly nerd like me? *you looked down and the person gasped*
???: ugly? Nerd? Nooooo! Your none of those things!
Y/n: just go somewhere else! Don't waste your time on me, Okay?
???: fine....but know you are not ugly...
The person walked away
You thought to yourself "really?! You could have just made at least 1 friend and you rejected the person!!! Ugh damnit!!!"
You get up and go to your locker
You grabs your things and walk out of the school
Y/n: why am I so lonely? Why do I have no friends? Is it because I'm ugly? Useless? *you mumbled to youself*
You walk to the park
The only place you get peace
You got out your sketch book
You draw away, not knowing what you were drawing..
You turned out with this

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