Music Festival

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A security guard escorted me to backstage while Charlie waited at the entrance with the rest of the audience.I warmed up my voice and just thought of Jay to help me feel relaxed and I knew Charlie was going to be in front to support me so I was fine.I took a little peak through the curtains and the hall wasn't big but there were a lot of people.I saw Charlie give me a thumbs up and I mouthed thi-cko and smiled.The lights turned off and the presentor started the show.I heard the audience clapping and whistling.Then he said "Ladies and gentleman,please put your hands together for Euphoria Hopkin who is going to play her guitar for you!"
All of a sudden the curtains opened and the crowd went wild that their clapping echoed.I just smiled and the spotlight shone directly upon me.It kinda scared me.I closed my eyes and started to sing.
"Eu-pho-ri-a." My fingers started strumming and I felt my face start to blush when I was thinking about Jay.
"Take my hands now,you are the cause of my euphoria..." My mind flew into this fantasy of me and Jay walking together and holding hands by a park, that I started to sing even better and do some freestyle chords.I opened my eyes and saw the audience waving their hands in unison and Charlie pretended like he didn't care that I was singing. "Close the door now." Now,the ironic thing is that the door at the back of the hall opened and in came you'll never guess who!Jay.Out of all the people in the world-Jay.My eyes widened and a bit slowly i sang "when..I'm I'm in..u..topia"I felt my face start to blush and my eyes diverted straight to Charlie who looked back at Jay and at me and winked.I couldn't believe it.My heart started beating really fast and I stuttered the lyrics and embarrassed myself.I tried to close my eyes but knowing Jay wasn't just in my fantasy but here in reality watching me look like a weirdo made me even more nervous.I got through the whole song thank God but I messed up so many times that instead of waiting for everyone to applaud me I just legged it off stage behind the curtain crying my eyes out.I let go of my guitar and the vision of Jay looking at me kept appearing in my head.I grabbed my stuff and heard the presenter say "Nerves hey,guess it got the better of her but she was brilliant!I hope you guys enjoyed the performance!"
Before I could get any more embarrassed I ran outside ,my hair let lose and I wiped my mascara off with a leaf.I was gonna start running to my home but someone grabbed my wrist.I turned around to see Charlie.His face was beaming and he signed "you were great" and leaned in to hug me but I pushed him and started to rant.
"You jerk,why did you give a leaflet to Jay?!Do you think this is funny?I just embarrassed myself.If I wanted him to come I would've invited him myself.I thought I trusted you!" By now Charlie's smile faded away and he looked confused.
" It was going so well and you just blew it.You know that saying,actions speak louder than words?Well it's flipping true cuz you might not be able to talk but what you did today has proven to me you are as just a snake as Ivory! " My blood started to boil and Charlie stood motionless looking right into my eyes astonished by my words.Just then...I slapped him.

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