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"So, there are things we don't necessarily understand. But should that really be enough to warrant fear?"

"Doesn't matter if it's warranted or not. It comes from that little part of you the brain built first to keep yourself alive. Virtually invincible, immortal. It's a living, breathing thing, you know. Fear's got a heartbeat. And it's ours."

"Listen, I didn't get out of bed at seven in the fucking morning to listen to this guy's half-assed poetry. Get to the point, or I'll get the hell out."

"It would do you some good, I think, to have some patience. Regardless, the point is, fear is inevitable. And with fear, there comes action. There's no place for consideration, and no time for understanding. Only fear. Only action."

"What does this have to do with anything?"

"It has to do with everything. The virus. The mutations. People were panicking enough when the mortality rate was sky-rocketing. How will they react now that these genetic abnormalities seem to be sweeping the nation?"

"Dunno. Badly?"

"Mass hysteria, more like. There'll be wide-spread panic. A manhunt for all those that are different, that have been... 'Gifted.' People are upset, and hurting. And when people are hurting, they hurt others. Mass killings, genocide, crimes and cruelty against humanity. It's a common trend in history. And we all know how history loves to repeat itself."

"So, badly."

"Take this a bit more seriously, would you? The point of all this is that we need a solution. We need to resolve the problem before it even has a chance to emerge."

"Well, do we have an answer?"

"Admittedly...No, we do not. But, we have a distraction. If the masses will panic regardless, then, why not give them something to fear? Something to focus their anger, their confusion, their hatred upon. But, at the same time, give them something they can admire and adore. Something to glorify, to champion. Let us divert and channel the extremes of human emotion accordingly, find some organization amongst this chaos, set a system in place to curb the hysteria before it ever begins. We can work from there."

"Let me see if I understand this. You want-

Heroes, to gain the public's favor by playing their protector

from some Villains, designated to fill the role of the antagonist, to channel and receive public slander,

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