New Neighbors

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Pine Oaks was your average "white picket fence" community but ever since my old neighbors got caught running a huge drug operation in their house things have changed.  Everyone has been on edge lately, scared that their next door neighbor of years could be a serial killer or drug lord or something , but I'm not really worried.  My new neighbors have final moved in and me being the nice person that I am, I thought that I should be the first to welcome them to the neighborhood. But If I'm being completely honest with myself I'm more interested in seeing who they are rather than welcoming them to Pine Oaks.

"Mommyyyy can you make the new neighbors a cake or some cookies or something please" I shouted from the down stairs living room hoping that she could hear me. 

I waited patiently for a response but I soon realized that she wasn't even home.  I kinda feel dumb for shouting like a maniac in this house.  Well I guess it's up to me to bake these cookies by my self, but the only problem with that is I barely know how to turn on a oven, let alone make cookies from scratch.  Yeah I know I'm eighteen and don't even know how to turn on a oven but in my defense uhhhh......... I have no defense but I'm going to take cooking classes this summer after graduation hopefully.

New plan.  Since I have no clue how to make cookies or operate the oven, I'll just make them a card which is so much more easier.  After 20 minutes I finally finished making the card and I went over to give it to my new neighbors.  It took four knocks for someone to open the door (I realized that I could have just ringed the door bell like a normal person but off course I had to be different).  When the door had open I WAS LOST FOR WORDS.  I had completely forgotten why I had come there but all I knew was the 6 ft dark skin god standing on the opposite side of the door was definitely the boy from my dreams.

For the pass years there has always been this boy who would always appear in my dreams.  I've never seen him before and I don't even know his name but he was always my dreams every single night. From the very second I close my eyes to go to sleep he appears without reason and the very moment I open my eyes he disappears without leaving a single trace. It's strange but "strange " is normal for me. But now he was right in front of me and I could not believe my eyes.

"Excuse me, can I help you miss" The mysterious boy from my dreams said in a deep luscious voice that would make anyone melt from the inside.

Not one word was able to escape my mouth because I was still in awe as to how someone so beautiful could be real.  The boy from my dreams was now my next door neighbor and here I was standing in front of him like a idiot.  I probably was drooling due to how wide my mouth was opened but I didn't care.

"Ummm, Are you okay miss?" The boy from my dreams asked while gently taping me on my shoulder with his rather huge yet soft hands.

I had finally come to me senses when I replied in the most girlyiest voice I could speak in " I'm so sorry, My name is Ashanti Dames and I just wanted to be the first to welcome you to the beautiful Pine Oaks." I held out my shaky hand to give him the card I had made earlier and he great-fully accepted it. I hope that it wasn't noticeable that I was nervous in front of him, but if you saw how heavenly he looked you probably would be nervous and shaky just like me.

" Thanks Ashanti, I'm Romeo Jackson, I would invite you in but our house is still a mess, Maybe some other time?" Romeo said with a smile showing his pearly whites.  I swore I could see my reflection in them but maybe I'm over exaggerating just a little.

" Yeah sure, well bye Romeo it was nice meeting you" I replied in a high pitch girly voice which came out scratchy and I know that my voice was probably annoying.  Normally I would speak in a lower tone, My mother always said I sounded like a man and I think she was joking.  But there was something about Romeo that made me want to different, you know more "girlier" . Strange I know.

"Bye Ash, it was nice meeting you too" He said with a smirk

As I walked off I couldn't help noticing the fact that my shirt was completely see through and there was a one hundred percent change that Romeo could most definitely see my nipples but it is what it is a this point.  No wonder he had a devilish smirk on his face while saying bye.  Way to make a good first impressing Ashanti.  Once I got home I quickly ran up the stairs to my room trying my best not to trip.  It was time to do some research and see who " Romeo Jackson" really is.

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