Research Time

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Romeo looks like your "average hoe" , you know that boy the would get 1000 likes on a Instagram picture and probably have hundreds of thirsty girls in his comments and dm's so I would expect him to be on all social media.  I've spend the last thirty minuets looking for this boy on social media and I found nothing.  Absolutely nothing.  Maybe I'm spelling his name wrong or maybe he has one of those weird names like "Tyg r໐๓ē໐" because there is no way that someone as breathtaking as him isn't on any social media.  I did one more check for him. Facebook nothing, Instagram nada, Twitter not-a- single-thing,  and Snapchat, guess what I found............ absolutely nothing.  It was time for me to accept defeat so I decided to get ready for bed.

After a long  warm shower I finally came back in my room and I notice that Romeo's room was opposite mine and I could see right inside his room.  He was just laying in his bed watching TV peacefully.  This should be very interesting.  My night clothes were on and it was time to head to bed.  I spent a good twenty minutes trying to fall asleep but Romeo was stuck in my head.  I couldn't get over the fact that I couldn't find him.  Normally I could find anyone on social media within a matter of seconds, but he was different.  It was almost like he was a ghost or something .  It was strange but I guess Romeo may have not been your "average hoe", he seemed low key but I was determined to find out who he was. 

Since it seemed as if I wouldn't be sleeping tonight, I thought that now would the perfect time to catch up with my favorite show, Grey's Anatomy.  I took one quick glance out of my window, and there he was standing up with nothing on his body but water droplets.  Thanks God he couldn't see me or at least that's what I thought.  He turned around and there it was hanging from his body and I couldn't help but stare.  My quick glance had turned into a long intense gaze and I couldn't help myself.  Call me a perv but I honestly did not care.  I didn't know that it was humanly possible for someone to be carrying around such a BIG weapon on them.

The show soon came to a end when a sly smirk appear on his face and he started to waving to me.  My heart legit dropped to my stomach.  I had been caught but I still attempted to hide like a idiot by quickly diving to the hard concert ground.  He had saw me looking at him this entire time but did not do nothing.  Suddenly I had a need to go to sleep to escape all the humiliation I was feeling right now.  I was to embarrassed to get up of this floor, so you guessed it, I slept on the floor.  

"ASHANTI GET UP NOW!" My mother screamed from downstairs.

"I coming mommy" I replied in almost a whispering voice due to me still being sleepy.  I was too tired to move so I just stayed on the floor despite my mother repeatedly screaming out my name like a crazy person.  Soon there was  loud annoying banging on the door and this forced me to get up and open the door.  I'm not surprised to see my mother standing on the other side of the door with an angry expression on her face but I'm to tired to react.

"You ain't hear me calling you aye?" My mother said in a frustrated tone.

"I'm pretty sure everyone heard you because you was soo f...." I said hesitatingly but soon stopped speaking when  I saw the intense angry look on her face.

"Finish what you were about to say" She said while folding her arms.

" Nothing mother, I was about to say nothing. I heard you and I was about to come downstairs...... but it was just so hard to get up because I'm so exhausted" I replied with one of my eyes barely opened.

"Exhausted from what Ashanti?  You don't do nothing to be ' e-x-h-a-u-s-t-e-d'.  I work basically everyday.  I should be the one who is 'e-x-h-a-u-s-t-e-d'.  Girl stop talking foolishness and hurry up get ready for school" She relied almost  amused by what I had said.

"Okay mommy" I replied in a annoyed tone because I couldn't stand the fact that she found what I  said to be funny. 

"Exhausted haaaaaa" She said laughing as she left my room.

I had completely forgotten that school was today. Quickly I ran to the bathroom when I suddenly had the urge to pee.  I soon remember what happen last night and now that I'm thinking back on it, it's kind of funny.  Who am I kidding I'm still embarrassed but it is what it is at this point. I took a speedy shower and tried my best to hurry up and get dressed for school.  My hair was already semi fixed from yesterday so I didn't really bother doing much except touching up my edges and I was good to go.  While heading downstairs I could've have sworn that I heard my daddy's voice.  My father was in charge of the Drug Enforcement Unit at The Royal Bahamas Police Force and he would normally be at work during this time.  As I entered the kitchen I realized that it was him.

"Morning Daddy" I said with excitement while running over to give him a hug and kiss on the cheek.

"Good Morning Sweety.  How you doing?" He asked while reading the newspaper.

"I'm good but I'm just surprised that your here so early" I said hoping that he would tell me why he was home.

"Wellll my shift ended early last night so I decided that it would be a good idea to come home" He said.

"Ohhhhh, well since you home today can you drop me to school please?" I asked 

"Yeah sure" He said with a rather huge smile on his face.

Before we left I grabbed a quick breakfast and then we headed out.  I am such a daddy's girl and I love spending time with him, even if it's only for a twenty minutes drive to school.  Hopefully school would be good today.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 20, 2019 ⏰

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