Kidnap My Heart

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Title: Kidnap My Heart

Author: TheFlamingPopsicle

Status: Completed

Summary: Emma van der Bilt is clever, snarky, and spoiled rotten. William Knight is cocky, impatient, and slightly dimwitted. So how exactly did Will manage to kidnap Emma and her best friend twice and live to talk about it?

*** “What the hell—” I screeched. “Good morning, sunshine.” I looked up in alarm and saw the smirking face of my kidnapper. His face would have made me a lot angrier had it not been terribly swollen, thanks to yours truly. “I’d say good morning, but judging by the boner on your face, I’d say you weren't having such a good morning.” His self-satisfied smirk fell almost instantly, and his partner-in-crime laughed out loud from the driver’s seat. “Actually,” he said, “I’m having a pretty good morning. My luck’s about to change. You wanna know why?” I didn’t answer. “I’ll tell you why. I’ve successfully kidnapped the daughter of one of the richest men in the country.” “Don’t start counting your lucky stars just yet. This isn’t over yet,” I snapped. “Isn’t it?” he asked, raising the eyebrow above his good eye. His other one remained in a permanent squint, and it made it kind of hard to take him seriously. “I’m not the one who’s naked and tied up in a stranger’s back seat.” I glanced down at myself and noticed for the first time that I was in my bra and panties. Honestly, I was kind of relieved. When he’d said “naked,” I’d assumed he meant birthday-suit naked, not half-naked. ***

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