Chapter One: Preparing for the G20 Summit Meeting...

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"Righty-o! Dressed up well, had a proper British breakfast, fed my cats, papers ready for the G20 Summit... I hope I won't argue with France for the billionth time again... Meetings always go wrong we didn't plan. I hope I didn't miss anything." Signed the British man as he walked off to his destination where the meeting is held - Osaka, Japan.

'Today's definitely gonna be a bad day... God, please make this meeting worth a while!' he thought. He couldn't remember the last time he had a good meeting. France, obviously he hated him as a former rival but another side of him tells him that he's considered a friend after all those nasty hardships they went through together just because they couldn't get along as different types of people in this weird world. A cloud he unintentionally pictures in his head was France, smirking and laughing, "Ohon hon hon hon hon hon hon! Oh, Britain~! You're so ugly and I'm so beautiful! Je suis beau...~" he called out to mock a disgusted Britain who's also in his thought, twirling and playing with his shoulder-length blonde hair. He continued laughing while his bird Pierre flies around an imagined Britain's head in circles until Britain snaps himself out of it.
"No! I mustn't think about that dumb Frenchman! I'll think about someone else then. Someone better than him."

He began imagining himself cutting France's blonde hair he held dear in his sleep, chuckling evilly, except for his stub which grew out since the 18th century, it'll grow back anyway like during the 2011 Halloween Event. He felt a little better and watched as noisy cars in the late morning drove by him and other British civilians standing by the bus sign.

Sometime later, he thought about a few nations that are better than France to past the time.
America, he decided to think about the past when he was still an adorable child to look after as his older brother figure and guardian. Nowadays, he acts like a brat at times but he still cared about him.
'Hm. Am I forgetting something two days ago?' he wondered.
That same day was when he started drinking at America's house until he was too drunk to go home and fell asleep. Luckily, one of his older in the United Kingdom was notified and offered to bring him home while making sure he doesn't throw up or cause other troubles. He tried tracing back what exactly he was doing that made him think he had forgotten something back at America's house. After convincing himself he was sure he left nothing behind, the concludes the thought, 'Nevermind, I'm sure America put it in my bag before my brother dropped by'.

There's China - he used to be his enemy until both their governments agree on an alliance to form the Allied Forces during WWII despite his ethnicity. What he does find annoying is his business market being more important than arriving on time for the meeting unless he gives him a warning. Overall, he's quite okay. Helpful with things such as medicine, cooking and tea. He sees him as his tea buddy and is always eager to try new tea he never had before. He could think about going to Chinatown if he wants.

But then there's big 'ol Russia. Last time he kept staring at Britain and was quite disturbing but he ignored it while he was discussing stock markets and oil. When he finally asked the taller man why he wouldn't stop, he only replied,
"Oh? Why not? Because we're friends~!".
Britain shuddered with the creepy thought as the cold wind flies through his messy blonde hair. He only focuses on the sidewalk until he would stand and wait for the bus station to the airport.

Meanwhile in Europe...

"Germany! Switzerland! Liechtenstein! Hop on! We'll get their fast in my Lamborghini!" N. Italy exclaimed as he called out to three other European countries that lived around him, especially his close ally, the Federal Republic of Germany. They are currently in Rome, Italy where he'll be driving to Austria, where they can take the nearest Austrian airport they booked in order to fly to this year's G20 Summit in Japan.
"Ja ja. Just - drive carefully..." Germany responds with an uneasy tone, secretly praying he won't throw up his well-balanced healthy breakfast from Italy's erratic driving skills.
"Oh, thanks Italy. Good morning to you too Mr. Germany." Liechtenstein says calmly as she walks towards the back door.
"No way! We're not risking an accident!" Switzerland called out with a hand on Liechtenstein's shoulder to stop her and another hand to shake out of rejection.
"But, we'll be late for the airport." Liechtenstein responds.
"Besides, if you get caught driving in a way that is against the law outside of your country, your car will get tow away and we'll have no vehicle. As soon as we reach the border, you switch with Germany. For our sake." Switzerland argued.
"Huh. I guess he has a point. If it's a must, I'll take over the wheel. Understood?" Germany asked with a serious glare, knowing he isn't joking around. Italy responds happily with a thumbs up, "Yes, sir!"
"How fun." sarcastically Switzerland says.
"If we crash, this will be your fault if we come late. After all, Germany and I usually come in early."

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