Chapter Two: Just a Normal Day

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"Ugghhh... I'm starving!" cried Natsu Dragneel, dragging a new large table after initiating a fight with Gray Fullbuster, and eventually almost everyone in the Fairy Tail guild ends up sharing the responsibility of replacing the broken tables and chairs they've carelessly destroyed with their magic powers.

"Quit yapping and finish the job you doofus!" scold the shorter elderly man, also the guild master, Makarov Dreyar. Their master hated when they all brawl against each other just for the sake of it. Their close friend, Lucy Heartfillia, Happy, stood by during the fight, unsure of what to do, along with Carla and Wendy Marvell, Erza Scarlet and Mirajane Strauss trying to stop them, and Cana Alberona the heavy drinker ignoring the rest.

After finishing replacing the once destroyed furnitures, Natsu happily exclaims, "Alright! Time for food!"
"Aye aye, sir!" cried the blue-furred cat, flying towards the exit with Natsu and Lucy. "What should we have? Chicken breasts?" questioned Natsu as he dreamily looks up in the sky while drooling, imagining a white cloud chicken breast.
"Or some fish!?" an obvious answer Happy immediately spoke.
"Or curry with rice and some of that new salad they introduced for the past few days! I wonder if they had yogourt." she wondered. The three walked into a large restaurant surrounded by not too many customers eating peacefully. They sat at a table and bench next to the window and started reading the menu before calling a nearby employee to take their orders.

Meanwhile, Erza talks to Wendy about a mission she and Carla could do without travelling afar. "Wendy, Carla, would you like to try this mission? 'Elderly widow man needs urgent assistance to transfer his antiques and expensive objects to another house.'" she reads.
"An old man needs my help? Sounds great, Erza! Let's do it!" says the young girl.
"It's 'our' help, Wendy," Carla corrects her, "I'll be watching if you need my help because I can't do much as an Exceed."
"Don't worry! I'm ready for a tough job like this!" she reassures, but when the three arrived at the elderly man's house, her hair stood up. As Erza and Carla are just as dumbfounded as Wendy, they felt a little convinced the elderly man is lucky to have such many possession. Thinking back, Wendy wasn't sure if she was able to handle all of the antiques the old man held dear of, but she was well determined enough to show she was old enough for this kind of responsibility.
"Woah... look at those china plates!" said Erza. The old man explained, "They were my late wife's most prized possession." he smiled. They stared at a glass cabinet where all kinds of displays such as china plates he mentioned neatly lined up.
"Where should we start, sir? Huh!?" said Lucy. The three looked at the elder, fast asleep and snoring loudly in his recliner. "Um, Mister? Are you awake?" Wendy made a small squeak when the elderly man suddenly woke up with a snorting sound and laughed.
"Sorry. I fell asleep. I almost forgot. You can me Mr. Smith. I think you ladies should start something small. When you get to the fragile stuff, put them in a box of peanut packaging while stacking them nicely. The rest are in this list I made for you. Thank you so much for your volunteer. I'll be back in a while for some errands."

The group began sorting different types of antiques from vases, jewellery, small statues and others inside cardboard boxes. Carla looked at an old portrait of a young man and woman, holding a baby in her arms.
"Wendy, do you think that's them in that portrait?" she asked. Wendy turned to where Carla is looking at and replied, "Wow. They look so nice in those outfits! They're so lucky to have collected so many antiques and item. It's like a hobby for something precious or it's to remind them their time of being together."
"Erza, can you pass the marker?" Wendy asked.
"Sure. Catch" she toss the black marker towards her so she can write down which box is which.
"Clay... Vases..." she wrote. She took out a roll of clear tape and a pair of scissors to tightly close the box with Carla's help.

Hours later, the group finished packaging, they began wondering when the elderly man would return from his errands.
"I wonder where he is? Should we look for him?" Wendy asked.
"I guess so, but I'll stay here in case he comes back." Erza said.
Carla uses her wings and grabbed Wendy with her paws and spoke, "Come on, Wendy. We'll search high until we find him. We'll be back in 10 minutes. If he's still not home, we'll go out and search for another 10 minutes."
"Sounds like a good plan, Carla"
"Bye, Erza!" Wendy waved.
The white-fur cat soared through the evening sky and warm climate, the two girls turned their heads from left to right and right to left while calling his name before changing direction. Unlike Carla, Wendy decided to call the widowed man as loudly as she could,
"Mr. Smith!!! Mr. Smith!!!"
"Wendy!" said Carla.
"Not too loudly or you're disturbing the people!"
"Sorry." she went back to calling him but less louder. Another voice came to their ears.
"Wendy!!! Carla!!!" Carla stopped in her tracks and turned to see Natsu running towards them through the crowd with Happy following him.
"Natsu!" exclaimed Wendy. Carla lowered down to meet up with Happy and a panting Natsu.
"Hey, what are you guys doing yelling 'Mr. Smith'?" Natsu asked.
"We were doing a job for him but he hasn't come back from his errands he said he was attending to and we kept waiting. So we asked Erza to stand by while we search for him. Can you help us?" explained Carla. Natsu nodded eagerly.
"Sure! I'll find this Mr. Smith in no time!"
"Aye!" said Happy. "What does he look like?"
"He's an old man in a brown coat and has a wedding ring on his ring finger." said Wendy.
"Okay! We'll go look over there!" said Natsu as he ran off the opposite direction.

Nearly 10 minutes later, Carla started to get tired and had thoughts of turning back.
"Wendy, I'm tired. Should we take a break?"
"No. Just a little longer!" replied Wendy
"But he might be back with Erza" Carla said. But before Wendy replied, they heard an argument nearby by a group of men. They might mind their own business until the spotted Mr. Smith among them.
"It's Mr. Smith!" said Wendy as Carla quickly flew to him as soon as the poor old man was pushed to the ground.
"Please! Give it back! It's my late wife's most precious jewel!" he begged to avail.
"Leave him alone!" said Carla as she flew towards one of the men until they're face-to-face, but he laughed.
"Hahaha! What's a little girl and a little kitty cat gonna do about it!?" he said as he gently tugged on her tail to mock her.
"Don't touch me!"
"Mr. Smith, are you okay!?" asked Wendy, she helped him up and he explained that the group of four men stole his late wife's expensive bracelet worth 40,00 Jewels. Of the group of men replied,
"If we did. How can you prove it? You didn't see us!" he said with an intimidating gaze in his eyes.
"I didn't. But you and your folks are the only ones in the room!" he argued and turned to Wendy.
"Ms, you're a wizard, can you sense magic in them?"
"No. They wouldn't have stolen it by magic. Are you sure there was no one else in the room?" she asked.
"No, I swear it. I may be old, but I know that there was no other presence."
"Then mind your business, old man!" they all roar into laughter until a familiar voice made them stop.
"Natsu and Happy!? You guys bumped into us again!" said Carla, surprised that despite going different directions, Natsu and Happy end up meeting with Wendy and Carla again.
"We heard you guys just now. If you really think these punks stole your bracelet, then..." he turned towards the group of men, "empty your pockets!" he said.
"If you guys don't empty your pockets, we'll call the guards to settle this!". The four looked at each other, looking slightly nervous. One by one, they slowly empty their pockets, except one.
"Why should I listen to you, tough guy? We said the old man has no proof!"
"And you're just trying to look tough!" said Happy. "Why would you want to steal someone's jewellery?"
Mr. Smith looks down in guilt.
"Don't say it, old man!" he yelled and stomp his foot to frighten him but the elderly man continued.
"He's my son..." The mages looked at him and exclaimed, "What!?" all at once. "Damn it, old man! I didn't ask you to say that!" he yelled.
"So what? I'm sure you stole my bracelet so can give it to your ex-girlfriend whom you don't deserve! Compare to you, she's an angel. And you disappoint me and your late mother by being a gangster and thief! That's why she broke up with you in the first place simply because you don't consider the consequences! That's why we're estranged!"
Natsu cut in, "You guys are related and estranged? If so, then give back the bracelet and it'll be over. You don't want us to report a theft, right?"
A short silence occurs between the two opposing groups until he rebellious man gave in. He pulled out a thick, light green bracelet out of his pocket inside his jacket and toss it underhand to his estranged father.
"Fine. Here's your bracelet you want so much! I'll find another way to get my girlfriend back, now beat it!"
"I reassure you she'll never go back to you again after what Mr. Smith just said. Shame on you!" Carla scolded.
"Come on, let's leave!" said one of the men as they all flee the scene without any other comment.
"Thank you. I can't thank you enough. My wife loved this bracelet so much but my bastard son just has to turn his back on his and gave us an attitude. I don't know what else I can do to make him realize his mistakes until we stopped contacting each other. I was too ashamed to admit he was my own son. I'm sorry the trouble he has caused you." he said while holding his head down.
"It's okay, Mr. Smith. We were just looking for you. We finished packaging." said Wendy as she places her hand on his back in comfort.
"I think those guys were the reasons why we kept waiting. Erza is already waiting for us back at your house." said Carla with her arms crossed.
"No. It was half my fault. I forget a lot. Let's go so I can give you your reward." they group peacefully walked back to his house where Erza awaits them.

"Welcome back! Was everything alright while you were gone? Oh, Natsu, Happy. I didn't know you followed along." said Erza.
"It was a long story." said Happy.
"Sir, may I asked if that's your son and wife in that photo?" asked Carla, pointing at a photo she saw earlier. The man replied,
"Yes. That's us after we have our first child. It'll be so sad if he doesn't change before I could see my wife again."

After a brief conversation, the Fairy Tail mages waved goodbye and Wendy exclaimed excitedly.
"That was a tough mission! It wasn't dangerous but I'm glad I didn't break anything!"
"I bet you didn't have dinner yet, right? Let's eat for a celebration 'cuz I'm hungry!" said Natsu, who seems fired up.
"Aye! Let's order fish! Who's gonna pay?" said the blue-fur exceed.
"I guess we could use half of our reward and my wallet to pay. But don't order too much."
For the second time, the group of friends filled their stomachs after a long day like any other day in peace, hoping nothing bad happens soon.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 20, 2019 ⏰

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