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Thank you everyone for reading Something New {Jahi Winston} first of all.

This story will be a little more...realistic. Jahi is going to have his normal life filming New Edition and the main character : Melaya Curtis isn't going to be one of those what people call "stereotypical black girls" who always get into fights.Whenever I read stories they always be making the characters fight someone and the story barely started. No offense to all these writers out here but in my opinion, it's not cute.

I'm black. That's not true first of all. Whenever I read stories they always be making the characters fight someone and the story barely started. No offense to all these writers out here but in my opinion, it's not cute. I don't fight people unless they put they hands on me first. But these girls in these books will literally fight other girls for saying something they didn't like. Like fr, it's not cute. Look at the example you're setting for other black girls when you write these stories. You making the stereotypical things that people say about us look true. Like fr chill out on that. It's not helping anyone's case.

But anyways there is going to be a lot of humor and jokes in this book and I'm telling you guys now as a fair warning that I didn't make up all of them. Some of them are from TV shows that I loved to watch and others are from Kevin Hart's stand up comedies.

The main and side characters aren't going to be played by super famous people. Mainly just by random internet people that I find.

Here's how the update schedule is going to go right now. It's July 2018 (I just got my wattpad so yes I'm going to be starting the Jahi book a year after that actual movie was released) so I don't really have anything to do so maybe my updates will be faster. But I warn you guys now that I do have other books that I really want to update. So Something New will be updated most likely on weekends and maybe some weekdays.

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