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German lesson, with mrs. king. (yes that's hoe my teachers name was) we all were writing on a 300 word text for the exam and a flop teacher - mr. helmet - came in with a boy that was kinda unusual but rlly like the other ones. he had well uhm.. a humpback. but it wasn't the 1st thing i realized, the 1st thing was his hair, they were blonde and in the right side they were styled up and on the other lied down like a wave in it, and his eyes, he has blue-green eyes. omg i loved them.

so for the beginning he sat beside someone out of my class, ofc. he looked at me, i remember that! i just thought nothing bc it was at this time i didn't care about boys, i just hated them. (i broke up with my ex, months ago.) well, at the second day i asked him when his birthday is and he looked at his phone and said: 29th, march, bc my friend from one class down told me to ask.

so on monday we had workday in the same place. i was down and wore black clothes and stuff, just didn't care.
suddenly a messege poped up on my phone and said: "smile" and i really needed to smile bc someone just realized and cared. i wrote: why? and he replied: u sad tho.
we began to talk a little to each other.

the week goes and goes by itself, and boom it was friday? hahaha omg it was one week since he came and i fell in love with him. we write kinda everyday, and i have this one picture of him where he did this face, he's still doing anytime i'm sad bc he knows i laughed so hard at the first time. at friday after school he txted me and askes if i'm in love with him and i replied: what? no? why? and he said: just looked like. and i asked what he would do if i'd be and he said, asked u out.
i just throw my phone away and smiled so
brightly i couldn't stop.😅

and at the 24th of november we said, we are giving each other time bc it was too fast for me. and on monday 27th of november he kissed me. AND i was the happiest girl alive... on tuesday the whole class knew it and the where so over them bc they all knew. it was a crazy time and i just didn't realize what happened...

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