May I Stay

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"WHAT THE FUCK" Aunt May has figured out his idenity.
"May please wait! I'll explain" Peter yelled desperately.
"Y-YOU'VE HURT SO MANY PEOPLE! PETER I CANNOT BELIEVE YOU" May was getting up in his face.
"May! I'm a hero! Mr. Stark mentors me! I've never killed anyone!" Peter was panicking.
"YOU'RE THE REASON BEN IS DEAD!" May was screaming with tears streaming down her face.

Peter stepped back. He was sobbing. He felt like his world was crushing down on him. Peter felt like his vision was clouded.

"Get out of my house, Peter"

"What? May please..."

"Get out. You don't deserve a place to call home."

"Let me explain please"

"Get OUT"

"Aunt Ma-"

May slapped Peter across the face. Peter fell to the ground in shock. May started yelling the words "get out" as she kicked him. Peter managed to get up, grab his backpack and shove a small clump of clothes inside. Peter stared at his aunt once more and tried to say something but she threw a book at him. Since they were in Peter's room it was a textbook. He heard his nose crack at the impact. Peter pulled him mask on and ran into the night.


Peter sat by the lake he was once dropped into. Peter couldn't help but let his thoughts wander.

Would it have been better if I was never saved from the lake?

"No! I'm is a hero! I deserves to live on!" Peter said to himself

Maybe Aunt May was right, I don't deserve a home. I should stay out of people's lives.

"No! I should call someone!" Peter began to think. Aunt May would find him at Ned's house and he doesn't have any other friends. He wondered if he should call Mr. Stark. He pulled up Happy's contact and stared for a moment. He then shut his phone off.

"He's too busy for me anyways"

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