Day 1 July 26th 2018

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I'm so done and over with today.... I'm sick and tired of people who I think are my friends treating me like I am the plague!!! I know when people are saying shit behind I'm so use to it by know I can feel it .... also being an empath helps.... more on that in other posts... so I'm just done I love these people to death but I know they dont feel like it to (know bree not you I know you love me bitch xoxo) oh and remember what happens when u assume things boys and girls you make an ass out of you and sumption.    But any ways done with people today I had it with everyone and pluse NY anxiety is shitty today I had a horrable nightmare last night so I hardly slept oh and I think I have a uti that has to wait till sat to be checked ... ugh !!! Bc my boss won't cover my run if I'm late getting back .... 

So its 925 now and I'm laying in bed doing what I do befor bed.  Play my games go on fb check messages ect... so I'm laying here thing about how people suck and how badly iv been treated throw out my life.....

So i have anxiety depression n PTSD all stems from being bullied in school and throw out my life.

In school I was tormented I was sexually harassed..... I was pushed into lockers pulled down the stairs. Shut stuck in my hair... batteries thrown at me from a moving bus... picked up by my shirt pushed into the locker strangled in the bathroom... spit on. My personal belongings stolen from me ... CDs books watches ext library books put in my bag so I get into trouble for stealing.. called all kinds of names people becoming mu friends then ditched me at places.. .... stuff I told friends they'd repet... I thought this would end when I became an adult n left school but no it got worse but I'll continue this tomorrow bc I have to be up for  work at 6 ugh so blessed be have a good night n good bye 😘😘😘😍😍😍

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