Hot dang

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After giggling like a couple of idiots behind the secluded anime section, the two moved on.

Weaving between aisles of overpriced plushies and other horror related collector's items, Tom stopped suddenly. The amount of bright pinks and shiny sequins nearly blinded him as he rounded the corner, eyes wide at the sheer mass of novelty cosplay items placed on neat racks.

Lingering for a second at the edge, he looked over at Tord, who seemed to be thoroughly invested in flicking through a thick Deadpool comic, before inching closer to the dress portion. As nonchalantly as he could manage, he rummaged through them, hoping to not look like either a cross-dresser or a perverted boyfriend with a fetish.

He didn't know which one was the best case scenario, so he settled for not thinking too hard about it instead.

Unfortunately, most of the feminine cosplays seemed to be anime specific; featuring iconic character costumes that he had no idea about. They were also kind of skimpy; which really wouldn't suit him, considering that he didn't actually have tits.

Although, just as he was about to give up and leave, he saw something peaking out from the back. Black and lacy, with a hint of white. Intrigued, he pulled it out.

It was a black dress, puffy at the sleeves and at the hem of the skirt, ruffles of lace crawling along the sides. Accompanying it was a small white apron that tightened into a large bow at the back. Underneath, there were multiple layers of fabric, causing the skirt to have more volume and bounce as it moved.

It was very much the stereotypical maids dress that he was expecting to wear at the cafe.

It was also very, very low cut.

"Wow, 'Hovah. I didn't know you were that kinky."

Startled, and very much ashamed, Tom's immediate reaction was to roughly shove the dress back onto the rack. The large hands that were suddenly curled around his hip and wrist made that very difficult.

Feeling Tord close in on him, his solid chest pressing flush against his back, his head hovering over his shoulder. Tingles ran down his arms and legs, shivering at the ghosting breath that fanned over his blushing face as he spoke hotly, lips unbearably close to his ear.

"Your girlfriend is very lucky."

He shivered.

Just as suddenly as it appeared, the warmth was gone. The solid weight and grip retreated, the safe heat lost. Feeling lost, and bizarrely, very lonely, Tom blinked in confusion as long pangs of disappointment welled up in his stomach.

"I don't have a girlfriend." He answered dryly, throat parched. Stumbling slightly, he put the cosplay back in its original place, taking a moment to handle the dark red flush that had sunk into cheeks.

"Uh huh," Tord hummed, watching in mild interest.

He had doubts before, but maybe Tord really is going to tear him apart. The power of boners was clearly stronger than he had thought.

"C'mon, I've done." Tord held up a plastic bag in show, "Ice cream?"

Tom nodded, and they headed towards the food court. Chatting became awkward again, the strange tension back in full swing.

He had asked what was in the bag. 

Tord refused to answer.

"Holy shit! Hey, handsome, fancy seeing you here."

Oh, thank fuck.

Tom whipped around, eyes wide and his heart sinking. He had never felt so grateful, and so terrified of seeing someone before.

Cherri walked closer, a slight sway in her hips. She was smirking, clearly pleased at catching him.

"Hey, Cherri." The words came out thick like something had caught stuck in his throat, "I thought you weren't free today?"

She reached them, and immediately swung an arm around his shoulder, pulling him close to her side, "It went by quicker than I thought. I'm sorry you missed me so much."

"Cherri." Tord growled dryly, "I'm Tord, Tom's roommate."

"Tord, huh?" Cherri leaned closer, pressing Tom harder against her side.

Tom sent her a sharp, pleading look. He didn't know if it meant, 'Please let go', 'Please don't fuck this up' or 'Please crush my head between your thighs', but figured that, fuck it, all of those messages basically meant the same thing.

Cherri grinned in amusement, "I guess this means we won't be going on that date you promised me."

Tom spluttered for a reply, completely unsure of the situation. Cherri was obviously joking, but the longer she stood there, the tenser Tord seemed to get.

He really did not want a repeat of what happened the night before.

"I guess not," Tord spoke lowly, reaching out and curling his hand around Tom's arm, tugging him, "Nice to meet you, fuck off."

"Tord!" Tom snarled, twisting out of both of their grips, "Sorry, Cherri, he's a dick to everyone."

Cherri just grinned at the scene, unaffected, "Aw, don't worry Sugar Tits, I'd be possessive too if I had your ass."

Tom choked on his own saliva, wheezing at the thought. He felt the growl that vibrated through Tord's chest, momentarily lost. 

Woah, that was hot.

Dazed, and very distracted, Tom was easily dragged away from his friend. Heading towards the food court at a fast, hard pace, he took his chance to glance over his shoulder. Naturally, Cherri was laughing her ass off, gaining stares from multiple passersby. 

He wasn't going to live this down.

"Don't have a girlfriend, my ass," Tord whispered, teeth clenched painfully.

"Tord." Tom huffed, "Fucking stop."

Feeling as though he was playing straight into Tord's plan, Tom roughly yanked himself free.

Whirling around, Tord glared at him, face hard and nostrils flared. Wincing at the intensity, Tom set his jaw and matched his with his own.

"We need to meet up with Edd and Matt." Tord hissed, posture stiff.

Shaking his head, Tom crept closer, hands reaching up to clamp down on his shoulders, anchoring them both.

He looked into his eyes, "Cherri's a massive lesbian. She's just fucking with you."

Snorting, Tord let out a slow deep breath, body relaxing fractionally. They stayed there for a few minutes, breathing and sneaking glances at each other.

"Vanilla or chocolate?" Tord breathed at last, a faint blush lingering on his cheeks.

Tom grinned, and began to lead the way, "Pfft, only communists choose vanilla."

A/N: I'm pretty sure there won't be a new chapter out tomorrow (28/07/18) since I'm going to ComicCon and I write these chapters the day that they come out. I might have some time to draft one out whilst on the bus/train but idrk

I might be able to see Tom (since he is going to Manchester, and my gf is making me see him because I'm shy shh). I don't know what I'd say tho lmao

Have a good weekend folks

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