Chapter 4

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"When I was 19, Adami and I ended up lost in the woods. We had gotten lost doing the most childish thing. Playing tag. He had been it, and he was chasing me because of that. I technically got us lost. We were lost for, three maybe four hours, until Adami had the-" I wrote when suddenly my pen was jerked out of my hand, as was my journal

"Adami." I said as I watched him scribble something out and write something else

"Don't lie. It wasn't my idea." Adami said as he handed me my journal

I read what he had written "I had the brilliant idea to have Adami fly up and look for the castle." He also wrote at the bottom of the page "Adami was here."

Adami sat an elbow on my head and looked down at me "Don't be a dork, it was your idea that got us out of the woods that day."

"C'mon, let's go help Chibi and Grougal with their prank." I said as I rolled my eyes. It took around two hours of silently setting up tripwires, buckets of pudding, and another bucket that was filled with fake spiders. "Lets go before they wake up." I whispered as I started heading to my room

"Watch out, I think Chibi and Grougal rigged a bucket of water above your door." Adamai pointed out

"Thanks for the warning." I laughed quietly "G'night."


Ah yes, we love getting pranked for a full twenty-four hours. Yep, buckets of water hidden above doors, all my pens and pencils trapped in jello, Adamai taped a few "I'm a nerd" notes to my back throughout the day, that sort of thing. Jokes on them because I made fake turds out of chocolate and put them on everyone's pillows, except Pharys's pillow, he would kill me if I did that. There's also a few Onions that are covered in caramel so Adamai thinks they're Caramel Apies.  I wrote as I sat in my room, then I heard a scream. I chuckled knowing that someone found a fake turd, I assumed it was Nora or Mina, it was pretty high pitched. Adamai ran into my room, "There's a turd on Chibi's pillow!" I burst out laughing. "What's so funny?"

"Nothing, I just thought that was one of the girls."

"It was pretty high pitched..."

"It was," Another scream rang out.

"THeRe'S A TuRD oN My PiLLOw!!!!!!" I heard Nora screech from down the hall, then Mina, then Efrim, then Balthazar, then Grougal. 

I started laughing. "You did this didn't you." Adamai said suspiciously.


"There better not be one in my room."

"They're Chocolate Adamai."

"So there is one in my room."

"Yeah maybe."


"I don't think I'm a nerd Adamai."

"How'd you know that was me?"

"You're the only one with that messy of handwriting."

"Well that's a little mean."

"I could hardly read it."

"I mean that's fair but it's not like it's completely ineligible."

"I at first thought it said: I'n u herd."

"What's that even mean."

"Like I would know."


So Adamai found the Caramel Onions....

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 13, 2020 ⏰

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