Meeting my Idol/Crush

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In movies, when the main character happens to meet a celebrity, they're usually having a crappy day– and on an off-chance bump into the celeb at their favorite coffee shop. But my life is nothing like a movie.

It was an ordinary Wednesday afternoon. I had gotten out of school early because I had an orthodontist appointment. I was glad to have also gotten out of my Algebra test that day too. Tenth grade math can be such a drag, and my teacher, Ms. Applejack, didn't make it any easier. She always wore a dorky cowboy hat and picked on me for no reason! But I couldn't blame her for my poor grade in the class, because I usually just spent the entirety of her lectures on YouTube watching my favorite personalities, among them Jenny. Her quirky nature and plain face left much to be desired physically– but her humor and intelligence were what made me head-over-heels attracted to her.  Anyway I digress....

My mom picked me up from school and dropped me off at the orthodontist, it was my final appointment and I was getting my braces taken off. Because this appointment would take longer than a usual check-up, my mom couldn't stay (she had to get back to work) and asked me if I would be okay to walk home on my own. I told her I would be.

"Alright dude!" The orthodontist spoke too enthusiastically. "Are you ready to get that tinsel out of your teeth?"

I nodded and remained silent, still thinking about the Porg video Jenny had uploaded earlier that day. The fur all looked so soft, but nothing in comparison to the softness I imagined Jenny's skin would feel like.

The orthodontist went to work on my mouth. I closed my eyes and felt the rattling of the tools between my teeth, I pictured Jenny's mousy face smiling at me.

"I need you to stop smiling" the orthodontist spoke as his tools quieted. "I need you to keep a straight face, anything more expressive and I can't get the tools into your mouth."

I nodded again, knowing that I'd have to push Jenny out of my mind if I was to not smile.

About an hour and half later the orthodontist tapped me on the shoulder and informed me that he was done– I was officially braces-free!

I stood up quickly and ran to the mirror, moving my tongue over the newly smooth teeth in my mouth. I blushed a little, knowing that I finally had no excuse to avoid kissing a girl. With no more braces, it was finally time for me to have my first kiss, my mind aimless drifted back to Jenny.

I left the office giddily, popping my earbuds in to my phone and pulling up a video to watch as I strolled back home. I was a patron of Jenny, so I had access to her ramble video of the month– easily long enough to fill the entirety of my mile walk back home.

About halfway home I passed a Target, and as my stomach growled I decided it would be best to stop for a snack. I breezed through the automatic doors and made my way to the snack aisle, grabbing a bag of popcorn, wanting to enjoy something that I wasn't allowed to have with braces. I lusted after the Old Dutch White Cheddar in my hand and headed for the checkout line. In front of me in line I noticed a girl about my stature, with long brown hair and well-fitting but plain clothes. Beside her on the conveyor belt were an abnormally large amount of action figures, most of them comprising of Praetorian Guards. But also on the belt was a suspiciously large amount of rubbing-alcohol and a basic first-aid kit.

My eyebrows rose out of curiosity, and as she turned to face the worker to pay for her items I dropped my popcorn. The bag audibly landed on the floor and she turned to face me.

"Jenny?" I asked, my voice cracking nervously. Stupid puberty! Embarrassing me right in front of the girl of my dreams!

"Yep," she responded awkwardly, turning back to pay for her items and then grabbing her bag to leave. She didn't seem very interested in talking to me, and honestly appeared a little surprised at being recognized in public.

I shoved the bag of popcorn into the gum racks and hurried to catch up with her.

"Jenny!" I called after her. She scuttled through the parking lot and got into her car. I heard the engine start and she quickly whipped out of her parking spot, and sped off into the street. As I made my way out to where her car was parked, I notice a stray white tissue that appeared to have fallen out of her pocket. I bent down to pick it up, but noticed it was covered with a red substance. I lifted it carefully and gave it a sniff which immediately confirmed my initial guess– blood.

"Gross," I yelled, shaking the sticky substance from my hand and watching it fall slowly to the pavement. I didn't think much of it then, assuming it to be from a bloody nose or something– that would very soon prove to be a mistake.

As I look back to where the tissue was I noticed an ID card that was apparently underneath it. I lifted it up and held it closer so I could read:

"Jeffery Nicholson." My mind started racing a million-mile- per-hour. "Does Jenny have a brother?" I asked audible to no one in particular. The man on the ID did look like her, same absence of cheek bones and cute light freckles.

I looked lower and read the address, immediately realizing it was in the same apartment complex that I lived in! I couldn't contain my intrigue and excitement, as I walked out of the Target parking lot and headed home. My stomach growled again but I didn't care, because I had met Jenny (well, I mean I guess I kind-of met her), but more importantly I had found out  where she lived, or at least her maybe brother lived? There was much more to be discovered.

All I really knew at that point were too things: I no longer had braces, and my mom was most definitely wondering what was taking me so long to get home. I shoved the ID in my pocket and resumed Jenny's ramble where I had left off– I had a new found appreciation for her beautiful face on the screen, having seen that she lived up to all my lofty expectations in person.

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