On The Field

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(Time Skip 1 Week) -Mizukies P.O.V-

Its been a little over a week since I came to True Cross Academy to do my "Job". I've been getting a bit to close to everyone in the Cram School. To close for my liking. Satan usually calls me every night just to see how my progress has been. I'm still staying with Rin and Yukio in their dorm so, I have to be careful not to get caught talking to him. Me and Ukobach have been getting along..... Well more like were just on a first name basis but, nothing more. I met Rins little demon cat friend, Kuro, I suppose he has gained a liking to me. Some mornings when I wake up, Il'l find him laying at the foot of my bed curled up in a ball completely crashed. I cant lie, the thing is sooooooo cute!~ But the story on how we met can wait for another time. Right now I was getting ready for school. Today was going to be a busy cause today we were going to do some training or something like that on the field. We were supposed to do it the other day but, something came up so Yukio moved it for today. I was all done getting ready. I had my hair done in a messy side braid again, my tail was loos from my shirt and I had my sword strapped over my shoulder. I stop bringing my skateboard cause I would usually walk with Rin and Yukio to and from school.  I grabbed my backpack as I walked into the kitchen, I saw Kuro eating what looked like a fish on the counter. I smiled and gave him a little rub on his head. 


I turned my head and saw Rin standing there with his sword the same way I had mine and his backpack in his left hand. I smiled as he made his way to the freezer and pulled out our lunch for today. I blushed just a bit as he smiled back as he handed me my lunch.

"Thanks Rin."

I stick the box of lunch firmly in my bag and sat down at the table to put my shoes on. 

"So wheres Yukio?"

He followed be at the table as he put his shoes on as well. 

"He had to something for Mephisto so, its just going to be me and you walking to school!"

He smiled widely at the last part but, that smile soon left to a pain face as he looked down at his tail. Kuro was standing close by his feet, with the tip of his tail in his mouth.

"AHHHHHH!!!! What was that for you damn cat!?!?!?!"

I giggle at the two as Kuro hops on my lap.

"You forgot about me!"

He said cheerfully. I stroke his fur and Rin blows on the tip of his tail now standing on his feet. Kuro jumps off my lap and starts to make fun of Rins face as I stood up, my shoes now on.

"Well lets go before its late."

I pick my bag up once again as we head to school. I will admit, I have gotten attached to Rin in a weird way I cant explain. Like, when I see him, it just makes me smile. No matter whats going on.... I sometimes forget why I,m here in the first place. To get rid of Yukio and take back Rin is what needs to be on my mind. I just need to remember that its for my family......For my family?

(Time Skip at School) -Rins P.O.V-

When we get to class, Yukio was already there and so was everyone else. Crap. We're late. 

"Sorry teach, Rin and I-"

Mizukie was cut off by Bons loud mouth.

"Oh look at the two love birds! It took you long enough!"

I was about to say something but, Mizukie grabbed my arm to make me look at her. when I turned to look at her face, she had a smirk planted on her lips as she walked to her seat. She still chose to sit in the very back. That was still a mystery to all of us. Guess the girl just liked her privacy. I just think its so she can play on her phone without Yukio knowing. When she walked past Bon, she gave him a wink. Then out of no where, he jumped out of seat and started to rub his butt. 

"Ghu! Shit that burned! What the hell Mizukie?!?!?!"

Oh, I see. Ever since Mizukie told us about her powers, she stopped wearin the chain that held her powers so she could use them here and there. What just happened with Bon was one of the reason she never wore it. I guess you could say those two have some what of a rivalry. Don't get me wrong, they are friends but, they just like to pull pranks on each other. Its kinda funny but, I cant help but, feel jealous sometimes..... The whole class started to laugh as Mizukie smirked at Bon.

"That's enough you two. Mizukie please sit down. You two Rin."

Yukio said. Mizukie just giggled as she placed her feet on the table and her sword on the side of her desk. She placed her bag in front of her and I guess, pulled out her cell phone.

"Ok class. Now that everyone is here, I will announce what we will be doing for today. Were going to be on the field today so I hope you all came prepared. You all will be training and honing your skills.  Once I see that you all are prepared enough, there is a exorcism that has been needing a group of exorcist to exercise it. So, today that is what you will be doing. and tomorrow I will choose if you all are ready or not for such a high level task. Oh and I will be parring you up with someone. Rin your with Bon, Shiemi and Izumo, Shima and Konekomaru. Last but not least, Mizukie. You will be paired with miss Shura Kirigakure, she should be meeting us on the field."

I just rolled my eyes and clicked my tongue. I wanted to be paired up with Mizukie... man this sucks.  But why would her pair her up with Shura? Well what ever it is, it cant be good.

(Time Skip on the Field) -Mizukies P.O.V-

"So....... This is the Mizukie girl ahe?"

A lady with hot red hair and blonde ends said as she raised a beer can in my face. I just stood there with a calm expression on my face. 

"Yes, miss Shura, meet Mizukie Castle. Mizukie, meet Shura Kirigakure."

I just stared at her for a moment, then brought my hand out for her to shake. She started to laugh like some crazy woman and pulled my face to her chest and hugged me. She reeked of alcohol so I sorta held my breath. Well that and the fact that my face was pressed up against her boobs......

"Ahhhh!!!!! Shes just sooo cute!!!! I cant wait to fight her!!!!"

Wait.... Fight me? I looked up at her and then she let me go.

"What do you mean fight?"

She just smiled and winked. 

"I wanna see what you can do with that sword of yours."

My eyes widen with shock as soon as she said that. I cant yours my sword! If she sees these flames I'm good as the rest of these damn low level demons.... Not by mere exorcist.... But by...... Satan....

To be continued in chapter 9 ~Mizukie vs Shura~

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