Fly With Me

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I'm So Excited Maya Aren't you Excited I'm So Excited

Our Grade 10 Class Was Selected To Go To Paris For Spring Break and I Was More than Psyched To Go

Riley We're Just Going On A Week Long Trip She Doesn't Even Look Up From Her Sketchbook While She Speaks To Me

Yeah But We're Going On A Plane Maya I've Never Been On A Plane Before I Have My Hand In Front Of Her Face To Get Her Attention

We'll Only Be On the Plane For Six Hours Riley She Catches My Hand And Looks At Me And Places It Away From Her Face

Still I'm Thrilled I'm Excited I'm Anxious I Get Up From My Seat And Jump Around Her

OK Little Miss Dictionary Stop Jumping Around Other Passengers Will Think you're A Whack Job

Fine I Sit Back Down And Check My Phone

Ladies Farkle Walks Toward Us With Lucas By His Side

Farkle we Say At The Same Time And Maya Finally Looks Up From Her Sketchbook

Hey Ranger Rick You Excited For the Trio Lucas Or Ranger Rick Is Technically My Ex We Still Have Feelings For Each Other  But We Decided It'd Be Best Not to Be Together Just yet So It's Been kind Of Awkward Between Us For the Past I Don't Know three years

Yeah Other one I'm what about you Riley

Huh yeah I'm Farkle I Smiled At Him And Quickly Reverted the Conversation To Farkle So I Wouldn't have to Look at Him For too Long

Yeah Definitely but I Heard We Aren't Allowed To Pick Who We're Sitting With Who Do you think you'll be paired up With

No clue Just Hope It Isn't Anyone Obnoxious Maya Looks Back Down At Her Sketchbook

They Sit Beside Me and Wait for Us to get called to Board the Plane

I was playing a game when my phone Vibrates to tell me I Have A Message

Lucas I Hope I Sit Beside you

I Looked At Him Beside Me and Elbow Him And smile to Hint that I Feel the Same

Class We All Get Called To Be Paired Up For Our Seat on the plane

Mr. Friar and Miss Matthews and Miss Hart and Mr. Minkus

How did I know Lucas Slightly Elbows Me and Smirks

Ms. Brooks Always Pairs Everyone Up Boy and Girl And She Always Pairs from the Top and Bottom Of the Class List Actually We're Always Paired Up In Her Class

I Guess It's A Lucky Guess He Shrugs and Smiles He Brings My Luggage As Well As His Own After We Get Called To Board the Plane

You know I Can Carry My Own Bags Right

Yes Riley But I Carried it for you Anyway

We Got To our Seats And He Gestures Toward The Window Seat and Put Our Luggage Into the Compartment Than Sat Down Beside Me 

This Is My First Time On A Plane Lucas Are planes Scary

No Riley you'll Be Fine plus you'll Have Me if you ever get scared

Mhm OK Lucas

We Buckled Up and the Plane started Moving I held Lucas Hand By impulse and He Held Back And Squeezed

We Slowly Few and I Could Feel Riley Hand Relax With mine

As I was About to tell her something Her head Falls on my shoulder Asleep

I Chuckle At Her and Carefully Fix Her Neck Position and Lean More Towards Her I Found It Amusing How Excited She Was About her first plane Ride  And Now Now She's Asleep I Can Smell Her Strawberry Scented Shampoo In Her Hair that's On my shoulder It's A Smell I've Came To know and Love For 4 Years Now But I Still Haven't Gotten Sick Of It

The Stewardess Comes Around And Ask If I Want Something To Drink

And Would you Like To Get Something For your Girlfriend As Well In Case She Wakes Up

I Smile At Her And Just Ask For Two Wavers I Pull Down The Small Table For Riley To Place Her Drink On As I'm Doing So She Moves Her Arm In Her Sleep Almost Knocking Over The Drink Of Course Even In Her Sleep She's Still A Clutz

Hey Cowboy Hat You Know She Won't Wake Up If You Just Stare At Her All Day Maya Looks At Us Through The Middle Of Her and Farkle Seat In Front Of Us

I'm Admiring Her

How Do you Do It

Do What

Wait For Her For This Long you See Her Everyday and you Know What You Feel About Each Other How Do you Resist Her

I Promised Her That I'll Wait Until She's Ready I'll Wait As Long As I Need To

I Think She's Ready She Like you Since She First Laid Eyes On you She Just Scared

I Know That's Why I'm Trying To Gain Her Trust I Want Her To Know That I'll Never Hurt Her That Isn't Even Thought That Comes To My Mind

I Hope So She's Lucky To Have You Soaring Eagle

Thanks She's Lucky To Have you Too mockingbird

I Smiled To Myself Hearing It All As I Woke up 

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